Analyzing Gender Communication Issues In Education

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Analyzing Gender Communication Issues in Education

Analyzing Gender Communication Issues in Education


Patriarch means father, under this system legitimacy, belongingness comes from fathers. It provides ruling power to the man. Matriarchal means mother, legitimacy and belongingness comes from the mother, and she is dominant player under this structure. The power and privileges of these cultures based on the rituals and laws of the society (Dickel, 1997). In these cultures education is highly influenced due to the dominant factor in each setup, one is dominated by man, and another is by female.

Different cultures and societies across the world based on the patriarchal and matriarchal. In western, eastern, southern countries of the world, both cultures prevail. In India, there is a group of people belongs to matriarchal culture. In that society woman has more power and privileges and she is the head of the society. In each family woman acts as a head or the family just like a man in patriarchal culture. On the other hand, patriarchal societies and cultures are normal around the globe; most of the word's societies are based on this core concept of a society. In which male factor is dominant, and he rules a society, and he is the most powerful and influential person. Male is the decision maker in most of the circumstances. Male factor is more authoritative and high esteem. On the flip side, woman considered being the subordinate of a man (Kieninger, 2013).

Subordination of woman prevails across the globe, and she is subject to the domination of man. Female considers being the subordinate of a man; she has no decision power rather she is in the subjugation of male. Woman faces inequality, oppression, and control in the patriarchal society. The discrimination of gender is man made in these societies and they made it legitimate (Ray, 2007). That is why she got less chance to groom within the society. Man has autonomy in all activities, but the woman is subject to various restrictions. She is dependent on the man and she has no self freedom.

These cultures have a direct effect on the educational system and its environment. The gender communication gap and dominating factors these all have direct relations with matriarchal and patriarchal cultures.


The overall behavior of people varies across the globe who belongs to the matriarchal and patriarchal cultural backgrounds. In former female dominates the society and in later male dominates the society. This creates gender gap and biases in the society. If both cultures amalgamate then better society can be created and it has long term effects in development of the society. In patriarchal societies, it pursues high intellectual and spiritual goals. These societies include ancient Greek, Roman and Jewish, (Kieninger, 2013) Moreover patriarchal are mostly monotheists and Matriarchal are polytheists. Former type of societies and culture found almost allover of the world and later type of societies are found in India, Africa, and in some European countries.

In matriarchal societies, there is little progress and no strict laws as ...
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