Arab-Israeli Six Day War

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Arab-Israeli Six Day War

Table of Contents




Historical and Contemporary Causes of the Event5

Historical Interpretations of the Six Day War7

Consequences of the Six Day War9




The history of wars is as old as that of the mankind. Wars have continued to occur since a very long time for one reason or another. The main objective of the war most of the times is to gain control over a territory. Both the belligerents of war utilize all possible means to suppress their opposing side. Arab Israel war is amongst the famous wars that had occurred in the 19th century. Although the war lasted only six days, however its effects were long lasting. This paper is aimed at analyzing the factors that caused the war, the contemporary issues associated with it, the historical interpretations of the event and the consequences of the same.

Arab-Israeli Six Day War


Conflicts are an integral part of human life. They can occur for any reason, but the level of conflict can differ greatly. A conflict arising between two persons usually affects only those who are closely involved in it and can be easily resolved if efforts are made to do so. However, this is not the case when a conflict arises between two countries. If such a conflict is not settled through peaceful means such as negotiations and allowed to escalate, then it results in a war between the two countries. The consequences of a war resulting from a conflict between two countries are far greater than those of a conflict arising between two persons.

A war is defined as the use of force by both the sides of the conflict in order to achieve their targets, which is most of the time to gain control over a territory or resources. War results from the elevation of a conflict that arises between the two sides. This conflict if not handled properly causes huge destruction and leaves long lasting effects on the people of both the countries. Both the sides use all possible means to cause damage to their opponents. It has occurred a number of times that the countries involved in the war practice tactics that are against the code of humanity and the international law. The country doing such things is actually haunted by the attraction of power it would enjoy in case it wins the war, and this attraction drives it to do such inhuman things (Fussell, 2009).

In 1967, a war broke out between the Arab countries including Egypt, Syria and Jordan and Israel. The aforementioned Arab countries were supported by other countries that include Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The war was the third one between Arab countries and Israel and lasted six days. It is therefore also known as the six-day war (Parker, 1996).


The war between the Arab countries and Israel started due to a number of pre-war events. These events continued to occur on a continuous basis and ultimately resulted in a full scale conflict between the two ...