Assessing The Impact Of Online Banking Security

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Assessing the Impact of Online Banking Security


Table of Contents



Table II a: Respondents' Profile1

Table II b: Respondents' Profile4

Table III: Views of Personal and Business respondents to the six propositions5

Table IV: Views of Persopnal and Business respondents according to their Awareness and Unawareness regarding Online banking9

Figure 2: Percentage responses to the six propositions10


Research Conclusions14

Culture Relevance and Transfer of Technology17



This chapter focuses upon the analysis and discussion of the data gathered through the secondary research applied in the study. It takes into account all the information collected from the qualitative research and analyzes and discusses it in the highlights of the literature review section. This forms the grounds for the conclusion of this study.


The study at hand deals with the impacts on online banking and its security on the consumers. It attempts to assess the effects of the modern internet banking on the perceptions and consumption of the subscribers. The demographic profile of the participants is shown in the Table 1 in appendix section.

Table II a: Respondents' Profile

The survey class included: Personal class and Business class. The total number of respondents selected from both the classes altogether was 1000 respondents (500 from each class). Thus, 1000 questionnaires were sent out, out of which, 265 respondents from personal class and and 324 from the business class totalling upto 589 questionnaires, were sent back as the response. The total response rate was computed as 59%.

Profile of Survey Sample

The respondents falling in the following age ranges were involves in the sample:

As the chart above indicates, the sample comprised of 12% respondents between the ages of 18 and 25, 38% of 26-40, 33% of 41-65 and only 17% respondents were above the age segment of 65.


The sample involved in this study consisted of the people belonging to the following occupations:

According to the chart shown above, there were people of all category in the sample. The salaried employees, households, self employed and the respondents belonging from the other professions were also considered in order to obtain a fairer view of the impacts of online banking on the people' perceptions.


The education profile of the respondents selected for conducting the survey is as follows:

The statistics depict a fairly educated set of respondents being involved in the interview process. The survey sample comprises of 25% postgraduates and 34% undergraduates which suggests the gaining of a maturer opinion regarding the impacts of online banking.

Table II b: Respondents' Profile

Forms of Business

The following chart shows the forms of business undertaken by the respondents of the sample:

The sample consisted of the respondents holding various forms of businesses. The most prominent group percentage was of those running their own companies and this group proved to be a big contribution for the sample.

Nature of Business

The respondents in the survey sample belonged to a diverse nature of businesses. This included:

Thus, the sample included participants from agriculture, mining, business, finance, insurance, wholesale, retail, trading and other large and small scale ...
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