Assessment 6

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Assessment 6

Assessment 6


Sexual assault is a sexual offense committed by an individual without the consent of the person assaulted (victim). Several acts are covered. The victim has rights and may file a complaint against his assailant. This incurs a penalty of imprisonment or imprisonment. Sexual assault is a sexual offense involving violence, constraint, threat or surprise. These may "include, for example, touching, fondling of a sexual nature or rape. Rape differs from other sexual assaults in that it involves an act of sexual penetration, whatever its nature, also committed with violence, constraint, threat or surprise. Any act of sexual penetration is affected: vaginal, anal or oral, including the sex of the author. It can also include digital penetration (with the finger) or penetration with an object (Littel, 2001, pp. 121-25).

Constraint implies the existence of physical or moral coercion. For example, stress may result from the difference in age between the offender and a minor victim and the authority exercised by it on the victim. There are resorting to the threat when the author announces retaliation in case of refusal of the victim. There used to surprise when the author uses a stratagem to surprise the victim or when the victim was unconscious or alcohol. Intent and lack of consent of the victim; to characterize rape or other sexual assault, it must be established that the author:

also had the intention to commit the act,

and was aware of his actions impose on the victim without her consent.

In general, these women abusers have a very low level of intelligence, explain the experts and always have problems with their sexual identity and a personality ill-structured, immature, and vulnerable. Often depend on a joint: they would do anything to please him, owing to the assumption of tranquilizers and antidepressants. Often these women have even attempted suicide. When you are accused for their acts try to justify recalling childhood violence: it is not always true, according to the French criminologist, about a now customary judicial manipulation.

Difference in types of Crime

Female Perspective

The author came across a recent studies (November 2009) clearly demonstrate an increase in sexual violence women over the past five years, by 132 per cent (data cited by The Telegraph), compared with 27 per cent increase for the abuses perpetrated by men.

In 2008 ChildLine (a British association) has received calls from 1,311 children who said they were abused by their mothers, that is, 61 percent of all sexual abuse committed by women. That's right: when there are sexual abuse committed by women, in 61% of cases they were perpetrated by mothers. E 'a given simply shocking, terrible to believe, although it would be wrong to turn a blind eye to this phenomenon. Helpline can be seen in the statistics of how males are more frequently abused by women (1,722 cases) by a man (1.651), while girls and young women are at least ten times more abused by males (4,972 cases) than women ...
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