Assessment, Measurement And Research

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Assessment, Measurement and Research

[Name of the Institute]Assessment, Measurement and Research

Personality Test: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator can also be called a self report inventory psychology test which can be administered via pencil and paper or a computer. This test can identify intra psychic phenomena and isolate an individuals' personality type, their strengths as well as their preferences (Ungar, 2011). It was developed for real world application by Isabel Myers and Katherine Briggs during the Second World War based on the personality theory by Carl Jung where he separated individual personality traits (Myers et al, 1980). The purpose of this test is to help individual's understand themselves better leading to career enhancement and healthier lives; which Briggs and Myers tested in their social and familial circle. Moreover, it is can also be helpful in selecting the correct occupation based upon the identified skill set of any individual (Bjork et al, 1992).

However, the validity as well as reliability of the Myers-Briggs test is widely disputed, with the Myers and Briggs Foundation fully condoning it while others disagree towards the reliability and validity aspect of it as the test has not been successfully proven to be such. Many studies conducted on the MBTI have found that second time results can be different of people who have taken it once already, amounting to a forty to seventy five percent of difference in the second time results (Pittenger, 1993). The committee of the Techniques for the Enhancement of Human Performance along with the National Research Council has suggested that there is not sufficient research or structured study which has yet been able to justify the MBTI as a fully functional instrument of personality test which can be used in context of career counseling (MBTI, 2013). However, since its inception during the 1940s, the MBTI has evolved through primary research and subsequent development. The recent enhancements within the test are a result of a normative study which tested thousands of people over a period of two years by a research team qualified in the psychological field of psychometric testing (MBTI, 2013).

In order to administer the MBTI, the required educational level of the administrator should be a master's degree or a doctoral degree in psychology or any related field along with a state or national license or related certification according to the Myers & Briggs Foundation. Moreover, there is also a MBTI certification program which can be undertaken for professional application of the personality test in line with the ethical requirements (MBTI, 2013).

The reason this test was chosen for this paper is due to the fact that it cannot really be termed as a 'test,' as there are no 'correct' answers and no one personality type is hyped as better than the other. Moreover, it does not attempt to diagnose an individual's problems; it merely states fact in a stark way. It is completely non-judgmental, and is not compared against any established or set norms.

Intelligence Test: Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales

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