Blowed Out

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Blowed Out


The movie is a fantastical masterpiece which is focused on two of the most important parts of film making, sound and editing. The plot of the movie entails a sound engineer who is out recording sound effects for his latest horror movie. Jack is looking for 'the scream' that is perfectly suited to a horror bathroom scene where the girl is trapped and killed in the shower by the serial murderer.


The topic of therefore draws the attention of the audience towards the sound effects which are used in the movie and think about them. Jack is gathered sound effects with his recording equipment, such as the hoot of an owl or the blowing of the wind and the screech of a car swerving of the road and into the pool of water. This helps the audience pay special attention to the sound effects being used in the movie and generates an awareness of the effort which goes in the creation of the sound effects of a single movie.

Overall the ambience of the movie star different soundtracks which help set the scene, since majority of the scenes are thrillers most of the music hints at the places where there is imminent danger or a crisis involved. This serves a dual purpose for already 'sound aware' audience, signaling for them the coming of danger as well as understanding and realizing the importance of background music as well.

The editing for the movie is also exceptional. The scenes are placed back to back on a cut to cut fashion according to the pace of the dialogues or the actors. For instance, in some cases there are fast cuts between the speakers, where there is rapid dialogue going on between the actors, while in cases of slow dialogue, the movie is commonly framed with a loose frame, keeping both the actors on the screen at once. The fast cut to cut edit serves to give a sense of haste and importance to the audience, who are further educated on the visual aspect of film works through the photography part of the plot. Jack uncovers the murders because of a few photographs taken by a photograph. Jack meticulously, washes each photo reel, then puts up the photos, waits for them to dry, thereby educating the audience further of the importance of visuals in films as well. The editing fast and slow according to the scene is therefore also noticed by the audience and they are able to also understand how they impact the effect of the scene. The fast cuts with zooms on the faces or the profiles of the actors help increase the drama and the sense of danger associated with the scene. While keeping loose shots, with both actors in view or mid shots with panning cameras, that follow the characters as they pace up and down in rooms help convey a sense of relaxation. It helps the mind of the audience feel at ease, that it is just a normal ...
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