Border Protocol

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Border Protocol

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In this research paper, the problems of the Homeland's security have been discussed, and the threat of terrorism is also highlighted in this paper. Moreover, some recommendations are also purposed in this paper in order to enhance the security of the homeland. Border control and terrorism have direct connections with each other if the border control and security on the borders is not satisfactory then there is the probability that the terrorist can easily perform their terrorist activities. Other countries or the enemies' country also tries to penetrate in the United States of America via its borders and do terrorist activities. There is the need of the border patrolling to control the terrorist penetration in the homeland. From effective border patrolling, the smuggling of weapons of mass destruction can be controlled. The recommendation or the solutions of the security problems is also purposed in this paper.

Border Protocol


This paper discusses the problems that the homeland security has with the border control and terrorism. Moreover, this paper also purposed the problems that might help with the border patrol. The terrorism and the safety of the borders of the homelands have become one of the major issues for the countries of the world. There is the need of some initiative to address issues like border security. The idea of border security in the US has different factors that are related to the protection of the ports of the country, airports of the country and the land borders of the country. The government of the US has realized the there is a strong relationship among the terrorism and the security of the borders of the homeland. The threat of terrorism in the form of the smuggling of weapons of mass destruction and human terrorism is always there, and there is the need to reevaluate the border security policy (Adams, 2012).


Safety is a right enshrined in the Constitution and is, along with Justice and Welfare, one of three purposes of the welfare state. It can be said that living in the same security is a basic need of citizens, which are their right and a guarantee to be provided by the State to have signed the social contract with citizens. In this paper, we intend to analyze the scope of the current concept of external threat, and whether, outside this scope, it is permissible to possible intervention of the military in internal security of the state and the extent to which this intervention can be made.

Until the 90s of the previous century, security was analyzed in the context of the confrontation between states, i.e., in the sense that is currently given to the concept of national defense. Gradually, the concept of security has expanded to include going beyond the military, the political, economic, social, and environmental and human rights. Thus, measures aimed at security are broad spectrum, involving also civil protection, public safety, economic, health, educational, environmental and assurance of democratic institutions and legality. However, national defense remains the core mission ...
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