Breaking Down Romans 12: 1-2

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Breaking Down Romans 12: 1-2

Breaking Down Romans 12: 1-2


Paul is well placed to explore the deepest theological questions, but he always returns to the ethical requirements that govern the life of every person. Here Paul uses the same principles of writing, as in the correspondence with his friends. His letters, Paul always ends with practical advice. He can spread the idea in infinity, but never lost in it, he always ends his letter, standing feet on solid ground (Stuhlmacher, 1994). In this paper, Romans 12: 1-2 are break down into the fractions, in order to understand the message Paul gave in his letter.



The intention of the word “Beseech” here is to appeal. Here the idea is that, it is not an order or command, rather it is an invitation. The word “Beseech” does not order people to do something; rather it is urging or exhorting the believers. Paul begins his request with a reminder of God's mercy. Whatever God wants to serve, to the best. Each challenge will be to gold in his hands as the farmer with a sack of wheat. Exhorted to be means nothing more than to be reminded that we are from God can and he encourages us to a next stage of development. Its purpose, however, is not to give readers a series of directives concerning their personal and community life, but to re-read key in the gospel of justification by faith (Wiersbe, 2004).

Paul highlights the relationship that the believer should have with God (worship). Hence, their origin and inspiration follow exhortations, which refer especially to the life of the community (Rom 12.3 to 8), then the relationship between its members (Rom 12.9 to 16), and the attitude that they must take against the outside world (Rom 12.17 to 21). The apostle Paul is following the pattern of exhorting, encouraging, beseeching and urging the followers to perform what is proper and suitable (Walvoord, 1983).


The word “present” here talks about giving themselves for duty. The literal meaning is to offer our bodies to The God and his use and to stand before him. It is about submitting one self to the will of God. The same term is also rendered in Roman 6: 13 and 19, when the readers are warned to present the members for the righteous use of God rather than for sin (Stuhlmacher, 1994). But in the Romans 12, the context is even deeper in which believers are asked to offer the bodies as a living sacrifice for the service of God. Corinthians 6: 20 also demands believers to elevate God in their bodies and soles because these things belong to him. It is the blood of Christ which redeemed the lives of people that is why the life followers live is not their own but belongs to the Jesus Christ. It is God who provide His people with everything and saved them. Owing to this fact, Paul urges in Romans 12: 1-2 to present their life to God and serve him with all ...