Cardiovascular Disease Risk

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Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Cardiovascular Disease Risk


Everybody knows that how important is the heart of a person, so it is no wonder that people worry when they hear someone has heart problems. Heart disease, also known as cardiovascular disease, mainly affects older people and involves problems with the heart and blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease affects 61 million citizens in United States. This disease includes a variety of problems, including high-blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, chest pain, heart attacks and strokes (Pearson et al. 2003: 499). The following essay is based on a case of Fred Jones, who is a White British 49 year old, overweight married man who smokes 10 cigarettes a day.

Review of Systems (ROS)

He works as a cleaner for a large retail store and has recently been found to have Hypertension - Average of last 3 BP readings of 156 / 92 mmHg, Total Cholesterol 6.1mmols/l (Triglycerides 1.7 LDL 3.3 HDL 1.1), BMI of 28. The essay is aimed to study that what more information is required to complete the assessment of CVD risk of Jones, and what measures can be taken to minimize the risk or to improve his condition.

Arterial pressure pulse

Normal pulse wave central aortic characterized by an elevation which is a fairly rapid peak somewhat rounded. Anacrota notch present in the ascending limb, occurs at the time of peak aortic flow, just before reaching the maximum pressure. The downhill side, less steep, is interrupted by an acute deflection down synchronously with closure of the aortic valve, called notch. As the pulse wave is transmitted peripherally, initial climb becomes steeper, the notch becomes less marked anacrota notch and is replaced by a dicrotic notch softer. Consequently, the peripheral arterial pulse palpation (eg., Radial) generally provides less information about changes in left ventricular ejection or on the aortic valve function that consideration of a central pulse (eg ., the carotid). However, certain findings, such as pulse bisferiens of aortic pulse or alternating, are most evident in the peripheral arteries.

A. Schematic representation of the electrocardiogram, aortic pulse pressure (aortic AOP), phonocardiogram recorded at the tip and press apexcardiograma pressure (ACG). In the phonocardiogram, S1, S2, S3 and S4 heart sounds represent, from first to fourth, OS is the opening snap of the mitral valve, which coincides with point O of apexcardiograma. S3 coincides with the completion of the rapid filling wave (rapid filling wave, RFW) of ACG, while S4 coincides with the wave of the ACG. B. Simultaneous recording of electrocardiogram, carotid pulse (carotid CP) indirect echocardiography in the left sternal border (left sternal border, press, LSB) and indirect jugular venous pulse (JVP). ES, noise removal (ejection sound), SC, click systolic (systolic click).

Schematic representation of the waveforms of the arterial pulse occurring cardiac hemodynamic changes as a result of normal physiological responses or heart disease. S, systole, D, diastolic.


Risk factors for cardiovascular disease as recommended by the Health Authority 

Age (> 50 years in men and> 60 years in women) 

Family history of early cardiovascular event:

myocardial infarction or sudden death before age 55 in the father or a relative of first degree male

myocardial infarction or sudden death before age 65 in mother or ...
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