Case Study

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Development, Frameworks and Methods

Development, Frameworks And Methods


Most of the times, it has been used as a software development method. The DSDM has is a project delivery framework that is agile. The first time it was released way back in 1994. As there was a need to provide some discipline to the ever increasing software development unit, the need for DSDM was needed. But with the passage of time, it has become an approach as far as project management is concerned and it is very helpful when one talks about the solution delivery systems. The approach is incremental in its nature and it is really helpful as far as solutions are concerned as it provides involvement of the user.

Background of the Problem

The company is of the point of view that there are many organizational issues that can be dealt in a better manner when DSDM approach is applied at the moment. The project solutions are needed tobe implemented and as the DSDM solution is provided in such a manner that it helps as far as solution isconcerned.

Solution of the DSDM Atern

It is very important that everyone must be able to realize that it is not something that has not been done before. It is something that has arrived out of the traditional experiences and earth of knowledge has been used to make it happen. Thus project manager should have an idea about some of the previous technologies to get the better perspective. However, at the same time, it is also needed that all the project managers should stay abreast with all the technological problems. There are challenging times out there and thus manager must act accordingly to ensure that they take care of it. Looking at all the problems that are being faced by the organization, it can be seen that at the moment, there

DSDM Atern and Its Applications

The DSDM was developed keeping in mind all the problems of the that were faced by the project managers at that point of time. The late delivery cost and overruns were controlled and at the same time, the final deliverables of the product can also be controlled when it is used accordingly.

Drawbacks of DSDM

Even though DSDM atern is one of the more recent technologies and it has its advantages as far as the management of the project is concerned, but there are some obvious drawbacks in the approach. ...
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