British Petroleum

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Case Study British Petroleum

Case Study British Petroleum


This assignment is related to the interpretation of the external environment of The Gulf Coast Oil Spill disaster. This natural calamity not only results in washing up of oil and tar balls on the domestic beaches, but also contributes towards the evaporation of the wedding market on the beach side. There was substantial loss of the 85% business and $90,000 cash with recovery of only $20,000 in the form of emergency payments. The first section highlights considerations of British Petroleum for the general, industry, and competitive analysis of the external environment. The consideration of the external environment for wedding business is also the focal point of this section. The second section explains measures for BP to cater environmental trends and changes i.e. opportunities and threats. The five forces of the competitive model (Porter's five forces model) are the third part of this assignment that evaluate the current attractiveness of the industry in terms of its potential and profits (Black, 2011).

The industry specific considerations include official hearing and investigations that are associated with the incidents. These considerations include examination reports issued to following entities:

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Regulation and Enforcement

The National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

The US Coast Guard

National Academy of Engineering

There were different criticism and arguments related to the published reports of British Petroleum. The consistency of conclusion and support of report findings strengthen the


External Environment

There is an important role in the research of Deepwater Horizon accident to understand the causes and consequences to improve the safety and future accidents of deepwater drilling. The internal investigation includes the fifty technical specialists within the BP and the industry. The research team assessed twenty six different recommendations that particular to the drilling incidents which responsible for this purpose. It emphasize on no single reason across their global drilling operations (Ryan, 2012).

BP put its best efforts to manage environmental impact to address associated impacts on local communities. These issues include greenhouse gas emissions, water, and sensitive and protected areas. The problem of water scarcity is a potential risk for many different operations. BP looks for the development of processes and tools for local business. Operating Management System (OMS) enforce legal and regulatory procedures for complying with regulation that includes health, safety, security and environment (HSSE) requirements (See Appendix, Figure I).

Opportunities and Threats

The restoration of the economy and ...
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