Causes And Effect

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Causes and Effect

Causes and Effect


As its name suggests, natural disasters are a negative aspect of the nature of activity in the life of humanity. Natural disasters because the population of areas where disasters have occurred often is without a roof over his head, as a result, their standard of living dramatically reduced. Natural disasters have the property that they are largely unpredictable and if you have already found their effects are catastrophic for the people. People are trying to guard against natural disasters, conducting research and creating a group of scientists whose job it is to predict and warn the public of the upcoming disaster. Natural disasters are natural, but for humans, because they interfere with the natural system of life. This causes that the man will never be able to live in harmony with nature and its operations. Natural disasters always occur. By the disaster, many species of plants and animals ceased to exist, but instead there were new ones that have changed the face of nature.


In the last decades of contemporary history, there is an increase in the number of disasters, whether natural, are manmade, with important results in terms of human losses and material damage (Draper, 2001). These can lead to severe socioeconomic crisis regions and even countries less prepared to respond to these disasters. Major natural disasters are: volcanism, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, floods, storms (hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, etc.), Drought / desertification. These have various effects on the population, being observed mainly hunger and disease (Tibballs, 2005).

The frequency of these events has more than doubled between the years 1500 and 2012. The major natural disasters that occurred in this period are attributed, in proportions similar to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms and floods. It is noteworthy that the disasters that resulted in more than half of human losses correspond to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Natural disasters are disasters in nature, causing enormous damage and destruction to the areas inhabited and used by people (Birkmann, 2006). Natural disasters are often difficult to predict, making it impossible to prepare for and reduce damage, they have a very strong impact and require a huge effort to deal with the stress. The strength and violence of the natural phenomena that cause natural disasters is much greater than the opportunity to oppose them, so often in the course of their existence killed many people, created a huge loss of property (Tibballs, 2005).


The concept involves quite a gale wind. Sometimes even we do not expect, when one of the stronger gusts can move something next to the garage under the house. But the most incredible is the possibility of breaking through the roof of a gust of wind. Such a situation is called a random coincidence, because I doubt that at one time in one place gale sprang a few roofs. In this case we can speak about a fate. We all wonder then why we, and not the neighbor who was always involved in some. We are looking for a rational explanation, which ...
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