Cellular Phone Fraud

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Cellular Phone Fraud

Fraud and Cellular Phone Fraud1

Evolution of Telecommunication1

Mobile Communications2

Cellular Telecommunications Fraud3

Types of Cellular Phone Fraud5

Subscriber Fraud5

Cell Phone Cloning Fraud5

Phone theft7

Cellular Telecommunication Fraud Detection7

Difficulties in Detecting Fraud8

Cellular Phone Fraud Management Strategies9




Cellular Phone Fraud

Fraud and Cellular Phone Fraud

There are many definitions of fraud are available in literature, where the subscriber's intention plays a vital role. According to Johnson, the voice data transmission across a network of telecommunications, where the sender intention is to minimize or avoid the legal call charges (Hollmen, 2000). Similarly, Davis and Goyal, states that the fraud is the acquiring of nude-served fees and unbuildable services (Hollmen, 2000). According to the opinion of Hoath, fraud is considered as attractive from the fraudster or criminal's view point, since the risk of detection is low, no special or extra machinery or equipment is required, and the product can be easily transformed into cash (Hollmen, 2000). Legislation defines fraud as, this umbrella term is used to misuse, mean, improper conduct without applying any legitimate consequences or dishonest intention (Cartodao, 2005). Mobile phone fraud or Cellular phone fraud is the unlawful use of the telecommunicating networks that is carried out via tricks. Network providers and users both are the victim of cellular phone fraud throughout the world. It is estimated that approx half of the use is fraudulent (Cartodao, 2005). Cellular phone is a great invention of this century.

Evolution of Telecommunication

Before the invention of telephone there was a great lack in communication between people. They had to travel far to meet someone or to perform any task. Then people felt the need of communication so that they can coordinate with each other without travelling so long and so far. Scientists started to think over that scenario that how can we minimize the distance among people. Because the major drawback of long travels was the utilization of resources in moving from one side to another side. Secondly there was also the danger of being kidnapped or robbed. These sorts of crime started increasing (Davey, 2009).

There were several issues that were generated due to the lacking of communication. Then Mr. Graham Bell invented Telephone. A machine that can coordinate and send our voice from one part to the other part at distance. This invention became the great milestone in the history of communication. As the time passed, the use of telephone became common and almost everybody was familiar regarding the use of telephone. Then people felt need that how to communicate when telephone is not in reach or the landline connection is not available. This necessity became the cause of wireless phones invention. This invention was also considered as most advantageous for several purposes. Cellular phone is the invention of 80s and become common in last decade.

Use of cellular phones brought the great change in the world of communication. People can coordinate with each other from one part of the world to another part. Distances became reduced. The excellent coverage of networks made communication possible from the areas where we cannot think about the signal ...
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