Child Development And Theories

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Child Development and Theories

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Child Development and Theories


Child development is the most challenging and critical phase in the life of every parents. Developing the well being, the basic needs and understanding, forming the character of the child according to the society's needs, is a task that has to be undertaken by the parents. Thus, there are some outlines and guidance that are being given and described by the scholars to help accomplishing these child development phase. The following essay will highlight the basic child development phenomenon, the theories of Vygotsky, Erikson, and Piaget that how they have provided their research and helped parents to develop their child towards the right approach, the role of society in the child development, the role of child himself in his development, the people who have supported their theories as well as the group of people who have contradicted with the theories.


Child Development

Child development is the process that is referred to the development and formation of a child's biological and psychological factors. There are emotional changes that are taken place in every human being especially during the phase from the birth and the end of adolescence.

Child development is also called as the development psychology that is associated with the development throughout the life time, as the branch of medicine that is linked with the care of children. Though there are several reasons that influence the development of a child but the following are the most commonly found that are being observed. They are the genetic changes known as maturation, environmental factors and learning and the combination of both.

Thus the process and the mechanism of the child development has been studied and researched by many scholars. The following essay will highlight the work of four people out of many. They are:

Lev Vygotsky

Erik Erikson

Jean Piaget

Albert Bandura

Theory of Vygotsky for Child Development

Vygotsky was the Russian psychologist who has developed the theory on the development of child. His theory states his observation he has made. He has described the process of child development as the phases of time. They are namely the infancy, early childhood, preschool age, school age and puberty. The ages of the child development are quoted as the 1, 3, 7, 13 and 17.

Vygotsky has provided the theory that says the child development is based on the societal influences. Every child id developed in a particular environment. They are developed in different environments at a completely different time. Thus, in all the society has the major affect on a child's development. He has proved his theory through different concepts. The following chart is the brief explanation of Vygotsky's theory that has been categorized in different age levels.

Social Situation of Development

Physically separated from the mother, while still biologically dependent and unable to contribute to meeting its own needs at all

Central Neoformation

Diffuse consciousness connected with sub cortical regions of brain.

Central. Line of Development

From beginning of mental life up to ability to respond to stimuli from other people.

Infancy (1-12 months)

The immobile infant ...
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