Childhood Obesity

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Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity has become a significant issue in the United States. Different causes are associated with its elevation and various serious effects of childhood obesity are recognized. In order to understand and resolve this significant issue it is essential to have sound knowledge of the important aspects related to childhood obesity, and that are, what is childhood obesity and its prevelance in America; its associated causes and effects; and strategies to prevent it.

Obesity is not basically just gaining few extra pounds of weight, but it is the likelihood of gaining weight easily. According to research, “the children are not perceived as obese until and unless they gain at least ten percent more weight as compared to what is recommended according to their body type and height. It most usually starts in-between the age of five or six, or during teenage. Research suggests that obese children who are in-between the ages of ten and thirteen have an eighty percent more possibility of becoming an obese grown-up” (AACAP, 2011).

“Approximately, in-between 16% to 33% of children and teens are facing obesity issue in the United States” (AACAP, 2011). “Since last thirty years, the figure of obese children has tripled to 15%; which indicates that one-third of the American children are carrying too much weight” (Child Obesity in America). Thus, child obesity is on increasing pace in America.

In order to reduce the obesity prevelance in children and adolescents, it is essential to understand the underlying causes of childhood obesity. Research indicates that “causes of obesity in young age are complex and involves biological; genetic; cultural; and behavioral factors” (AACAP, 2011). It normally occurs when someone begins eating more calories than the body is capable of burning up. It is also indicated that “if one of the parent is obese then their child is likely to experience obesity i.e. there are 50 percent chances of genetic obesity”. “Whereas, in the case of both parents being obese; the child has an 80 percent chance of becoming obese” (AACAP, 2011). Thus, according to research studies, “the main causes of obesity includes bad habits of eating; binging or overeating; obesity history in family; no exercises; medical diseases or sickness; medicines; stressful events or changes of life; issues related to family or peers; low self-esteem; and emotional issues like depression” (AACAP, 2011). One of the research studies also shows that “prevalence of obesity in adolescents, increases in societies that have lower income for households, as children living in lower income societies represents poor diets and physical activity behaviors, which highly impacts on obesity and elevates the chances for them to gain more and more weight” (Eagle et al, 2012).

Research shows that a broad range of serious health issues have seen in obese children or adolscents today, which were previously not seen until adulthood. “The serious health issues associated with childhood obesity include severe physical health effects such as high pressure of blood; diabetes of type two; and elevated levels of blood cholesterol” (Pollan, ...
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