Children Victimization

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Children Victimization



Children Victimization4



Why and how children are Abused6

Why and how Children are Bullied8

Why and how Children are Kidnapped9

Effects of Violence on children11




Children all around the world are at the risk of becoming a victim. They can become a victim of a crime that has been committed by a stranger, peer, and even a family member. Some ways that a child is considered a victim is when they are physically and sexually abused, kidnapped, and even bullied at school. This paper has discussed how and why some children are sexually abused, kidnapped, and bullied. The effects that violence has on children have also been discussed in this paper such as children becoming depressed, loss of self-esteem, loss of trust, and in the future they could have issues with relationships. This paper examined that the causes and effects of violence on children and what should be done if a child becomes a victim. This paper used secondary research to collect data. Analysis shows that every child that is a victim needs to get the help that they deserve in order for them to get back to a normal life. It is suggested that suggest more research be done regarding the children's psychology and to further understand the neural responses that trigger the defection in the brain leading to the disorders in personalities.

Children Victimization


Children are considered as special gift of God but unfortunately children nowadays are susceptible to lots of social evils. The modern world is a dangerous place for underage youngsters and if proper care is not given, the children end up becoming a victim of a distressing event which might leave them scarred for life. Today children are suffering from traumas because of incidents like assault, rape, bully, and other types of violence. They sometimes also face emotional abuse, neglect, and child maltreatment. Child victimization has become one of the very serious concerns of today (Dill, & Bridget, 2004). Therefore in this paper we are going to discuss how and why some children are sexually abused, kidnapped, and bullied.

The effects that violence has on children will also be discussed in this paper such as children becoming depressed, loss of self-esteem, loss of trust, and in the future they could have issues with relationships. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the effects of different type of violence on children and the importance of preventing these issues as they are causing huge harm to our society. There are several sources that provide useful data about children victimization. Data can be extracted from different sources such as parents, children, and other adults. In this paper we have collected data from secondary research that includes crime reports and National victimization survey.

Children Victimization

Despite presence of vast amount of literature on Child victimization, there is not widely accepted definition of the this concept, but according of various experts states that children become victimized when they experience involuntary sexual, physical, or emotional injuries because of another human being or when children are ...
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