'civil Disobedience' And 'terrorism'

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'Civil Disobedience' and 'Terrorism'

'Civil Disobedience' and 'Terrorism'


Political opportunism in the current environment has been classified "war on terror" speech language and terrorism has been used against groups of people fighting and effective economic and political power, not only with actual terrorists, but also genuine anti-global of, anti-war, environmental groups. About people "terrorists" in the modern dialogue, consistent with the reasons for public speaking, and the very image and the vague language of the summons to the logic of concern: it needs to pursue their hostile and ethical requirements, the scope of attacks by conservative law enforcement test department or the flow of military action.

"Terrorists" refuse to comply with any legal or moral harm to others, tied, so the "war on terror" must also be free from any (or to argue that), and other ranges. Existing U.S. anti-terrorism laws on civil liberties essential to a simple abuse of terrorism has undoubtedly been a long-term observation, or even indefinite detention, making it the suppression of dissidents could attack the authority and tools for good reason. Different in the current droopily against "terrorism" dragnet has been (with the real task of the terrorists) in the power of the political smear campaign against the enemies of various charges, including domestic and foreign institutions.

Definition of Terrorism

Terrorism is a concept that refers to the use of violence or threat of violence by individuals or groups against other individuals or sectors of a society for the purpose of coercing a government or political entities to respond to demands for political, social or religious.

It is a form of political violence in one of its variants is called state terrorism, in cases where government agencies are carrying out illegal acts against members of his own people.

Some of the practices are the most common terrorist kidnappings, torture and attacks on small or large and more or less consistent with the purpose of intimidating or threatening a State. In turn, terrorist groups make use of various weapons from homemade bombs and the bombs to biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction.

Terrorist activities are so complex and multifaceted that it is to this day difficult for international agencies classify terrorism based on specific characteristics that exist in all cases.

Enhance the meaning of terrorism

Terrorism authorized under U.S. law (generally speaking, the "intended to affect or influence the government by acts of coercion or intimidation, or retaliating against government action," the act) is defined as the USA Patriot Act of 2001 as part of is much extended to inanimate objects into many of these attacks. The specific criminal legislation was to increase the range of federal crimes of terrorism list, with "special proceedings within the foreign and territorial jurisdiction of arson" and "communication lines, systems or stand damage."

But may be increased by the regular criminal offense to the position of the most generous terrorist group (associated with increased penalties and the rights of the accused less) combined with any action, malicious destruction or damage, or attempt ...
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