Cloud Computing

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Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

How Ericsson Benefitted from Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Ericsson was competent to directly take advantage of Amazon's resources. Amazon web services were able to manage and build an international infrastructure, which Ericsson needed in order to support their business. This infrastructure was already in place and provided the benefits of cost saving. They had the proficiency to automate software updates and install new applications instantly as they were capable to scale down and scale up, as business required it. They were capable to access their cloud from any remote location. These Amazon web services provided Ericsson with greatly reliable, low-cost infrastructure, and scalable platform with locations of data centers in Japan. Singapore, Europe and U.S. The company selected Amazon Web Services (AWS) as they felt that Amazon Web Services (AWS) were the major provider of integrated public cloud in Rightscale Cloud Management Platform (Rightscale). For Ericsson team, having hosting centers in different areas was important for them.

Evaluate the scalability, dependability, manageability, and adaptability of Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, and Rightscale

Amazon EC2

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) gives a complete computing environment, preconfigured software, memory, and a processor. This provides scalability in few minutes on the basis pay-as-you-go mechanism. This also reduces the time that is needed to boot and obtain new instances, permitting you to scale capacity quickly, as your requirements of computing change. Amazon EC2 transforms the computing economics by permitting you to just pay for capacity that you actually utilize. For developer, Amazon EC2 provides the tools to make applications of failure resilient, and isolates itself from common scenarios of failure (Amazon Web Services, 2012)

Amazon S3

For internet, Amazon S3 provides storage facility. It is designed in order to provide developers with easy web-scale computing. It provides an interface for simple web services, which can be ...
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