Medical Ethics

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Codes and Guidelines Nursing and Midwifery Tribunal of New South Wales

Codes and Guidelines Nursing and Midwifery Tribunal of New South Wales


Transgression of sexual boundaries in the nursing is reviewed: Codes and statements of medical ethics, Prevalence, risk factors, theoretical Explanations, Consequences and prevention. The advantages and problems of understanding this problem in term of transference and counter transference mismanagement are exposed. The scarcity of explicit ethical Norms and Routines to orientate, to investigate or to sanction the professional conduct in the nursing relationship in our country its Informed. The combination of a Greater work out of this subject in our codes and to Greater educational effort to cope with this proposed its dangerous transgression.

Description of the event

The Case of Mr. Davis

The case which is going to be analyzed in this study is off Mr. Davis. Mr Davis allegedly found engaged in inappropriate conduct of a harassing and sexual nature towards four patients during his employment in the Dementia Unit at the Bupa Bexley Aged Care Facility between February 2009 and March 2011.

Mr Davis admitted some, but not all aspects of the complaint. He admitted that his conduct towards one of the patients was professional misconduct. On 5 September 2013, the Tribunal made interim orders, varying previous conditions made by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of NSW, including that he was not allowed to work in a residential aged care facility, a geriatric ward in a hospital, a mental health facility, or with children (Noodls, 2013).

Analysis of Codes and Guidelines

Code of Ethics Related to the Case

In the Code of Ethics of the Nursing and Midwifery Tribunal of New South Wales there is an explicit formulation of the prohibition of sexual liaisons with patients, although it should be understood that it is included in some paragraphs. Thus, in the Declaration of Principles states that "The decorum, dignity, honesty, moral integrity as peremptory norms in the doctor's life, are attributes that the medical profession considers essential in the practice of his associates": and then, in Section 7, states that "A nurse shall uphold the honour and dignity of its activity and must also ensure that the interests and rights of those who require their services".

The Nursing and Midwifery Tribunal of New South Wales further states that "The psychiatrist must never use the possibilities of the profession to mistreat individuals or groups and must worry about never allowing improper personal desires, feelings or biases interfere with treatment". In a later review in Wales, this paragraph is drawn as follows: "The psychiatrist must never use their professional resources to violate the dignity or human rights of any individual or group, and you should never let your feelings, prejudices, beliefs or desires, interfere with the treatment ". Finally, in the Nursing and Midwifery Tribunal of New South Wales, which currently in force, says: "Psychiatrists must at all times take into account the boundaries of psychiatrist-patient relationship and mainly guided by respect for the patient and concern for their welfare and integrity ...
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