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Every business person should know how he or she communicates in the workplace. He or she should be able to competently and effectively discuss vital issues, argue and persuade, reasonably defend their point of view and refute the opinion of the opponent.

Situation 1

Dispute as a form of business communication is widely used when discussing the differences in the situation of lack of consensus on the subject. Dispute is the science of persuasion. Persuasion is a method of influence on the consciousness of the individual by reference to its own critical judgment. The result of persuasion is successful when the partner is able to independently justify the decision, evaluate the pros and cons of his hand, and the opportunities and other options and solutions (Locker & Kaczmarek, 2010, pp. 331).

Persuasion is more effective:

• Within one needs;

• At a low intensity of emotions;

• Developed with intelligent partner.

In the process of persuasion can use the following scheme:

• Formulation of the problem, its place among others, the relevance and term solutions, the need for solutions, solutions, their advantages and disadvantages, consequences and the necessary funds, expenses, and other conditions;

• Increase the value of the merits of the proposal and reduced the value of its shortcomings, increasing the value of this option and reducing the value of alternatives;

• Conviction partner by presenting him the various points of view;

• The principle of gradual coverage to smash the proposal on the steps and move sequentially, seeking consent for each of them. Another application of this principle: before the upcoming meeting with several participants - preliminarily discuss your question with each participant individually and seek their consent;

• The reception quality programming, you can ask a question of emphasis (usually on the merits of the case) and do not require an immediate response to it. After some time, the question arises in the mind itself a partner and make him think (Perkins, 2008, pp. 76).

Rules of debate

Discuss only one issue, which is well versed on both sides. Do not argue too close (affects the interests of the parties) and too far (this is hard to judge).

Need to agree with the opponent in dispute.

To stick to the subject matter, not away from the subject matter. Maintain a dispute over the main, do not waste your time in particular.

We can not allow methods of psychological pressure: the transition to the "personality", etc.

Occupy a certain position. Demonstrate integrity, but not stubborn.

Comply with the ethics of controversy: calmness, patience, kindness (Maxwell, 2010, pp. 78).

The tactics of the dispute

Locate the arguments in the following order: strong - at the beginning of the argument, and the strongest - at the end of it. In the argument to convince a strong argument is one that seems the most convincing partner because affect his feelings and interests.

To expose the possible arguments an opponent to anticipate arguments. This allows you to disarm the opponent before an ...
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