Compare And Contrast A Transformational Leader And A Transactional Leader

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Compare and contrast a Transformational Leader and a Transactional Leader

Compare and contrast a Transformational Leader and a Transactional Leader


The concept of leadership has attracted the attention of many researchers from various fields especially including sociologist and psychologist to undertake researches. Many kinds of myths have been associated with the term leadership, such as leaders are, and they have charismatic personality. In this paper, the transformational leadership and transactional leadership has been discussed. Moreover, the theories of leadership are also defined.

In 21st century, it is believed that a leader can be made through proper training and development. Leadership endures at all levels and it cannot be linked to the top management only (Pless, 2012, p.51). During the past years, studies have been done on the traits and attributes of leaders and how their behavior is during leadership. Many theories have been discovered to explain the relationship of traits, attributes, behavior, skill, knowledge, power and leadership. It is only the essence and sense of leadership which needs to be attached with each and every role in the organization to become a leader at different levels.


Definition of Leader and Leadership

Leader can be defined as a person who leads the group of individuals and is by these individuals. A leader is a person who develops a vision and strategic intent, and shares it with others. A leader disseminates the information, knowledge and skills to others while balancing the conflicts of interest. Leaders hold the dominant position and have a high degree of power control over others (Lussier & Achua, 2010, p.3). Leaders do not teach individuals they guide them through practice and principles.

Leadership is a sequential process of influencing the behavior of others without the use of non-coercive methods. Leadership is about changing the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of individuals through providing them a direction to move forward and incorporating the sense of accomplishment (Lussier & Achua, 2010, p.3). Leadership requires motivating people do tasks by harnessing their efforts jointly. However, leadership is effective when a person has individuals who follow them. Leadership requires a philosophy which a leader holds with him. The purpose of the leadership must be clear and identified.

Importance of Leaders in organizations

Effective leadership helps the organization thrive during times of peril, and without leadership the organizations become stagnate. Individuals at the higher level of authority are to be leaders in the organization who have to achieve objectives. Good leadership acts as a platform for the success of any organization. The leaders in organization ought to maintain the right balance between the objectives of employees and organization to ensure success (Lussier & Achua, 2010, p.3). The interpersonal dynamism is for leadership in organizations to influence and bring members together to create a synergy among them.

The changing marketplace and increasing challenges have highlighted the role of positive leadership in the organization to deal with the intense competition and ever changing demands of the market environment. Leadership does not only require communicating the goal, but managing people to utilize their skills and capabilities ...
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