Consultancy Project: Increase Business Volume And Enhance The Activities On A Global Basis

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Consultancy Project: Increase Business Volume and Enhance the Activities on a Global Basis




4.1 Introduction1

4.2 Research Methodology1

4.3 Qualitative Research Methodology2

4.4 Justification for Selecting Qualitative Research Method3

4.5 Data Collection3

4.6 Primary Sources4

4.6.1 Questionnaire4

4.6.2 Geographical Location5

4.6.3 Sampling Method5

4.6.4 Participants6

4.7 Focus Group6

4.7.1 Sample Size7

4.8 Case Research Process8

4.9 Secondary sources8

4.9.1 Selection Criteria9

4.9.2 Keywords10

4.10 Validity and Reliability11

4.11 Limitations11

4.12 Ethical Considerations12


5.1 Introduction13

5.1.1 Focus Group Response Theme 1: Challenges and Benefits of the new management techniques14

5.1.2 Focus Group Response Theme 2: Increased Collaboration15

5.1.3 Focus Group Response Theme 3: Importance of Supply Chain over Logistics16

5.1.4 Focus Group Response Theme 4: Main reasons to Shift to Supply Chain Management18

5.1.5 Focus Group Response Theme 5: Communication about the planning of Transition from Logistics to Supply Chain18

5.1.6 Focus Group Response Theme 6: Resource Management19

5.1.7 Focus Group Response Theme 7: Overcoming Gaps between Suppliers and Customers20

5.1.8 Focus Group Response Theme 8: Information Management and Supply Chain21

5.2 Conclusion22


6.1 Introduction24

6.2 Link of this research with the Scholarly Work25

6.3 Recommendations27

6.3.1 Planning27

6.3.2 Sourcing28

6.3.3 Networking28

6.3.4 Warehousing28

6.3.5 Material Handling29

6.3.6 Packaging29

6.3.7 Improve the Quality of Supplier Network29

6.3.8 Better Communication between the Company and Its Suppliers30

6.4 Conclusion30



Focus Groups Questions35


4.1 Introduction

In this chapter we will be discussing the research methodology applied in order to conduct this research study. This chapter will focus on discussing various elemental factors of our research study, in particular the research design, data collection and sampling.

4.2 Research Methodology

Research is undertaken in various aspects of our lives, beyond mere set of skills, methodology is a way of thinking, examining critically the various aspects of the study topic (Dawson, 2002). Research is not only a critical aspect of conducting research it is also the fundamental element that ensures that the study being provided has been conducted through following the right measures in order to tabulate an effective study which is beneficial for the reader and can be practically used. Research is the core component of conducting a study; it ensures that a systematic approach is maintained why gaining insight concerning any challenging topic. It is compulsory for any researcher to design a specific research methodology for the predicament under study. Choosing a suitable methodology can ascertain that the study being conducted is of assistance and provides the reader insight and helps identify elements which can aid in resolving the problem identified (Rajasekar, et al.2006).

Considering the fact that this study is a consultancy report which aims at identifying key measures the company under study; MTC needs to apply in order to regain their position within the market. Our aim was to establish a study which would help the Jeddah based logistics company identify key changes that need to be made within the organization which would facilitate in shifting operations from logistics to supply chain management. Hence the research methodology which has been chosen based on these considerations is the qualitative research study approach.

4.3 Qualitative Research Methodology

Qualitative research methodology can be stated as a generic term which is used for an investigative research methodology that follows a naturalistic ...