Critical Analysis/Research Paper For Mental Health

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[Critical Analysis/Research paper for mental health]



Gender identity disorders can be of different consequences and conditions as they are characterized within the DSM-IV conditions of the mental illnesses. This causes conditions to be conceptualized that affect the sexual and mental orientation of different individuals in different forms. The gender character ataxia or gender identity causes problems for different individuals to have hindrances in school, settings of social developments as well as in their psychological developments. This ataxia is adapted from transvestism or transvestic distribution of thoughts which are equally responsible for the conditional developments of the associations.

Table of Content






Diagnostic criteria3


Clinical characteristics7


Etiological theories and current research8

Treatment/ management9

Controversies and/or critiques of the diagnosis9

Implications for the social worker and implications for the consumer/ family10

Critical analysis11



Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders


Gender identity disorders in both adults and children are attenuate and indirect situations. The association is usually generalized with affecting and behavioral complications. Intense issues of personality arrangements are generally experienced, decidedly mostly in adults. Gender identity disorders can be apparent as states in which, in those instances where person's psychosexual development, there is an aberrant gender character organization. The boyish accepting adventures their phenotypic sex as alien with his or her own faculty of gender identity. This predicament, which is aborigine in boys, is characterized by:

An admiration to be of the added sex


Playing with the toys of opposite sex in children whereas in adults, formation of routine habits that are usually followed and impersonated by the individuals of the opposite categories.

Identification of girls as playmates or friends in most of the cases with the admiration of their cognitive abilities and several other personal characteristics.

Loss of appreciation for the likes and favouritism knowledge of different things associated with the gender in a highlighting manner.


Gender identity and sexual identity ontologically differ in that the former is in general, this is the human race, and the second refers qualities from the biological point of view we all humans regardless of biological sex or role gender in psychosocial. Gender identity is the consciousness that is acquired equality, unity and persistence of individuality as male or female, and has nothing to do poorly stated ambivalence as John Money in 1955; Gender roles are learned from These little, seeing other people of your gender, your parents just help you learn your role gender. When you buy any pink clothes if you are a girl and blue if you're a boy, like when you buy toys or other things, you also learn your gender role by social models there, as artists, models, etc.

The sense of belonging to one of the existing gender categories seems to develop early and in relation to stereotypes regarding social roles that are to represent the members of each sex. Some report that at about two years of age, children already have knowledge of gender categories in society, and that this knowledge seems to take place at the same time the child becomes aware of his sexual identity (awareness of one's biological ...
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