Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking

My Personal Experience

Racism is the form of discrimination against the people using racial, skin tone or any other physical characteristics for individuals, so that some are been considered superior to others. As my personal reflection of this topic, I have faced the racial prejudice during my job.

As at my job, I was basically the part of the safety member committee. My work also included to give lectures and discussions at weekly meeting of the committee. Previous week I had to prepare myself for the presentation regarding the changes and also keeping a pleasant and healthy attitude through and beyond the process of changes. I believed that the changes should not be related to the past, as once we cannot change the past, but can take lessons from it. Then among placing other examples that I used to cite for explaining it in more better way, I said that as the elections are about to come in the month of November, I have a doubt that the current president will continue to retain his office and position and also that whenever any new president is elected for this seat, more frustration is build up, as the country led to experience more stress. I should make my pint clear that I was not at all targeting any particular group or race, it was simply an opinion, I did not talk about race or the skin color during my entire presentation which I shared, even avoided using the name of president name, however soon after the presentation was over, after five minutes, the members of the safety meeting, started off complaining. I was in the end of the discussion forced to assume that was based upon the feedback that I got, regarding various black people complained to my HR manager and also to the plant manager that relates to how I was prejudiced and thought that President Obama was not going to get re-elected. My words and idea of describing it was used in the negative way, I was unable to control the situation. Moreover, the complaints that were recorder apparently become so strong that even my HR manger was literally forced to remove me from speaking ever again at the safety meeting.

The other thing that hurt be the most and I felt completely helpless, as not a single person stood up and asked for letting me clarify my point and the idea what I was trying to address. Through all this experience u can have an idea that I am a white women, who feels insulted and I am livid. It is to be noted that I was talking about the attitudes and in the end I got accused of racial prejudice. As some people judged me base on the color of my skin and yet it is me who gets accused of the racial prejudice. I just want to inform them that is like the pot calling the kettle black, whereas the mentality and approach I am currently dealing ...
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