“daddy” Sylvia Plath

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“Daddy” Sylvia Plath


One poem entitled Daddy, written by Sylvia Plath in just a few months before she took her own life illustrates some of the facts of her life. In terms of obviously the poem is a struggle within the Plat of her own life to overcome the male dominance and became a separate independent free from its troubled past, so dependent and afraid of men. This represents the majority of women in her era. First, she reflected on her relationships and perception of her father and then her husband's influence on her life. The poem also discusses the political circumstances before and during her life, using the image of the Holocaust, to express its internal crisis. Analysis

Social analysis

The social boards and implementation of social concepts of male dominance obvious ideas in this poem. Her voice, as a separate, free from dependence on the opposite gender breaks out and shows the way to her personal revolution is not to rely on men. Survived 30, 40 and 50's (born 1932, died in 1963), its image of women as the weaker sex is not surprising. It is very domineering and cold, and my father died when she was only ten, and later suffered the same conditions, together with her husband, Ted Hughes. In addition, she experienced the difficult problems of gender inequality in society in its quest to find a sufficient number of jobs and her career as a writer (Srivastava, pp 126-28).

In the first five lines of the poem indicate suffocation and oppression of people, especially her father, being associated with images of life in black boots for thirty years, poor and white, barely daring to breathe or Achoo. Meaning is so afraid of having her father but may also symbolize the fear of combat her feelings of ...
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