Disability Hate Crime

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Disability Hate Crime


Note: the word count of the paper is 3512 excluding references, title page and the table of contents. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Lay Summary2


Hate Crime4

Disability Hate Crime5

Learning Disabilities6

Legal Issues for the Disabled6

Policies to Prevent Hate Crimes7

Hate Crimes Motivated by Gender and Disability7

Devastating lives8

Reporting Hate Crime8

Proposed Methodology for the Project9

Overview of Quantitative Research Approach through Questionnaire10

Research Instrument11

Research tool to be Utilized (Questionnaire)11

Rationale for using Questionnaire11


Informed Consent12


Validity of the responses13

Reliability of the Questionnaire14

Data Analysis15

Potential Impact/Benefits of the Research15




Lay Summary

A hate crime is a crime that is attempted due to the prejudice toward the victim on the basis of color, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, national origin, ethnicity, marital status, birth, physical or mental, social status, religion, age, religious or political beliefs. Hate crimes are defined by the state and the federal laws. A person who tends to commit a hate crime considers that the victim does not possess any human value. The selection of victims is intentional. There are a thousand of Americans who are the victims of hate crime every year. These crimes tend to causes a ripple effect on communities they are committed in. These crimes also cause agony and injustice, which negatively affect the democratic society, resulting in fear and conflicts which eventually affect everyone.

Some researchers have made references to the impact community level variables have on hate crimes. A relationship between economic conditions and hate violence arguing competition or perceived competition between groups for scarce resources such as good jobs may cause hate violence. Unemployment and “poor financial circumstances” are the contributing factors to the commission of a hate crime. According to the social organization theory, poor economic conditions, lower educational levels, and ethnic heterogeneity lead to hate crimes.

Hate crimes do not give protection or exemption to Schools. Schools, including grade schools, exhibit such intolerance and aggression. Grade school students, adolescents, and young adults constitute a significant percentage of the nation's hate crimes. There are various forms of conducts and behaviors, instigating hate such as ethnic conflicts, graffiti, staking, and intimidation. These behaviors are common in schools. Children learn from their immediate environment which includes families and schools. Therefore, there is a possibility that such crimes can be prevented if schools, families, legal bodies, and communities work in cohesion.

(Word Count: 203)


For the proposed research, first we will focus on what is known by hate crime and what we know already. Here, is what we know about hate crime. It is a crime that is perpetuated against people with learning and mental disability but little is known about hate crime perpetuated against people with physical disabilities. Hate crime consists of crimes motivated by bias against an individual's real or perceived race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation, and these crimes are addressed through various forms of state and federal legislation.

Hate crime reporting is largely ignored in this body of literature. The scarcity of this research has been affected due to the unavailability of data. Therefore, the increase in the victims of hate crime will be ...
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