Dna Testing In Criminal Investigation

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DNA Testing in Criminal Investigation

DNA in Criminal Investigations


Criminal investigation is referred to an applied science that involves the study of facts that are used for identifying, locating and proving the guilt of criminals. Criminal investigation is a very important component of the job responsibilities of the police and other related agencies. It is also observed that technological advancements are taking place that help the investigators to improve the results of their investigations. DNA is one of the most significant tools that has been brought up by technology and is being significantly used for criminal investigations. The core focus of this paper is to discuss the importance of DNA in criminal investigations and some other related aspects of the subject.


Compare and Contrast between the New Techniques in DNA Testing and DNA Typing Test

DNA testing is referred to a technique that is employed by the forensic scientists to enable the identification of individuals by their respective profiles of DNA. It is important to understand that DNA profiles are sets of encrypted numbers that reflect the composition of an individual's DNA, which is also used as the identifier of the individual. DNA typing is a very important clinical tool that is being used for criminal investigation. It has been observed that the developments in the techniques of DNA typing have made the DNA typing process and the investigation results more safe and secured.

Short Tandem Repeat is a new technique in DNA typing that is used to identify the variations in the sequence of DNA among individuals that are termed as polymorphisms. It has been analyzed that there are some regions in the DNA of individuals that could vary from person to person. So, Short Tandem Report is a short form of DNA that identifies the result the variations in the sequence of DNA. In ...
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