Ecology And Environment

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Ecology and Environment

Ecology and Environment

Surrounding and Local Environment and Ecologies

The ecosystem is made up of incarnate organisms composed with their environment of surrounding. The ecosystem comprises of both the abiotic and biotic materials. The ecosystem is formed by the interrelation between incarnate organism and their surrounding environment. The abiotic materials that are present in the local ecosystem consist of; minerals, water, soil and some nonliving materials that include climate and sunlight. The living part of the ecosystem is denoted as biotic. Abiotic and biotic materials are interrelated by flow of energy and cycling of nutrients. Sun is considered as the major energy source of the ecosystem (Greenberg, 2009).  Energy is transmitted across an ecosystem because of chain of food. Human actions that include agricultural and industrialization procedures have unfavorably influenced the ecosystem.

The constituents of an ecosystem consist of plants, microorganisms and animals. It also includes non living components such as rocks, soil, minerals and water. The size of an ecosystem varies wit respect to its constituents. The garden in the backyard can be ecosystem where as huge land below rain forest can also be the form of ecosystem. Many times, the body of animal is considered as ecosystem as it has the ability of supporting life.

Distinguishing Factors between Environment and Local Ecology

The particular factors that differentiate my local ecology and the environment involve minerals, climate, rocks, soil, animals and plants. Climate is an important factor of my local ecology as it determines the type of plants and animals to be present in the ecosystem. Various plants and animals are only present in some places of the world defined by the atmosphere of the specific place. Another factor that affects the type of plants and animals to be present in ecosystem is the soil. Soil is the type of ecosystem where the microorganisms are present. Nutrients utilize by plants and animals are present in the soil (Greenberg Jonathan D, 2009). Therefore, the particular distinguishing factors for my ecology include soil, climate, animals and plants.

Human Activities that Affect Local Ecosystem

The local ecosystem is unfavorably affected by activities of human. Some of the activities of human that influence the local ecosystem involve agricultural exercises and resolutions. Human being demolishes forests just for the purpose getting land for the construction of houses. Ecosystem is affected by the degradation of the forest. And because of this reason several living creatures like birds make ...
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