Economic Assessment

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Economic Assessment


Economic Assessment


In this study we try to explore the concept of “economic overview of critical technologies” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “the RAND study which has been inducted and employed in the study, in order to analyze and comprehend economic stimulus and also has paved way for progress.

In addition to this, it becomes evident that regardless of the changes and the challenges that have been felt and experienced, it is vital to understand and comprehend the benefits and costs that are associated with critical technologies and their ability to make way for contributing towards societal development and establishment altogether.

The research also analyzes many aspects of critical technologies and the corresponding relationships that it has established with the utilization and the maintenance of energy, mineral and other physical resources that would then make way for progress and also provide for the issues and concerns that would provide for progress and stern outcomes in the future that lies ahead.

Economic Overview

To assess the degree with critical technologies have managed to provide for the necessary results and outcomes, it becomes evident that regardless of the changes and the challenges that have been intended over the passage of time requires detailed analysis when it comes to analyzing and comprehending the key outcomes altogether.

As a basic standpoint, relating and skimming through the assigned tasks, research and development have provided the necessary footing and ground in order for the development of technologies.

Even though being in the stage of incubation, the annual budget for research makes way for accumulating up to $179.1 billion. Such statistics root and stem from the 1991 statistics, only for the United States to invest their data altogether. This figure does not even account for the ways in which Japan, UK, France and Germany combined ...
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