Economic Issues And Psychological Effects Related To Bionic Prosthetics

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Economic Issues and Psychological Effects Related to Bionic Prosthetics







Psychological impact of prosthetic


Body image and cosmesis


Coping, adjustment, and acceptance


Developmental issues


Psychosocial well-being


Quality of life


Economic issues with prosthetic technology


US market of prosthetic technologies


Economic issues related to prosthetic technologies







Advancement in medical technology has paved the way for the treatment of patients suffering from unexpected change in the body structure, or amputation. Before the advancement of bionic prosthetic technology lives of these people was worse than hell, as they were not able to accomplish their daily task. However, despite of progressive development this technology is facing severe issues. This report will comprehensively explain the psychological effect of prosthetic treatment procedure, and economic issues that have dampened the growth of this innovative medical technology in the country.

Economic Issues and Psychological Effects Related to Bionic Prosthetics


Region of Bionic Prosthetics continues to prosper in the field of medical science by providing innovative technologies and tools to the practitioners of medical science. This technology has not only raised the level of treatment procedure, it has also provided patient a blink ray of hope of regaining movement in their body parts that they lost because of limb amputation (Wilson,2012).

Occurrence of limb problem either occurrence of limb problem either in hand, or leg of patient forces the individual to face severe emotional, and financial difficulties. Before the advent of prosthetic devices, lives of patients suffering from limb deficiency was going through hell, however, prosthetic devices has provided a lifelong support for patients suffering from these problems (Maturo, 2012).

Prosthesis devices is a non-natural form of body part that is inserted in place of mission body part of human for instance, upper and lower body parts. Roots of this field is related to the field of Bio-Mechatronics, that is known as the science of fusing motorized devices inserted within muscles of human bodies for instance skeleton, and nervous system (Mantri & Thombre, 2011). Purpose of these devices is to manage, or boost the functioning of human sensory parts that are damaged because of the occurrence of severe disease like trauma, accident and others.

Bionic Prosthetic technology is used by medical practitioners for curing of different physical deficiencies. For instance, individual suffering from limb problem is treated by inserting artificial limb that is also part of Bionic Prosthetic. However, artificial limb is inserted after detailed evaluation of problematic body part, and surrounding of that region. In addition to this, artificial limb prosthetic is further divided into four different types such as transradial Prosthesis (inserted below the elbow), transhumeral Prosthesis (inserted above the elbow), transtibial Prosthesis (inserted below the knee), and transfemoral Prosthesis (inserted above the knee).

Because of its benefit, medical practitioner are praising the advancement of this technology, however, despite of its prevailing benefits for patients, it is imperative for the medical practitioners to carefully analyze the psychological, and economical issues faced by patients after treatment procedures. (Williamson etal, 1994) has further explained that potential benefits of this technology must only be identified after conducting a comprehensive study on potential psychological complexities of this technology ...