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This paper intends to discuss my personal learning style. Every individual possess his or her own separate learning style. Learning style basically refers to the methods in which people find it easier to learn new things and grasp the maximum amount of knowledge. Exploring and critically examining my personal learning style is the basic essence of this paper. The significance of this paper is that by understanding more of the processes of how I like to learn can make me a better and effective teacher. Being related to the field of education requires me to constantly explore new techniques and technologies to make my teaching process effective and efficient. However, it is always important for a teacher to know about his or her own learning style for the purpose of applying knowledge of learning styles later in the classrooms. The purpose of this paper is to elaborate my learning style and also to correlate my learning style to my teaching style. Also, the paper will highlight the significance of different learning and teaching factors. My personal learning style relating to the teaching and learning factors elaborated will be explored in this paper. Lastly, a discussion about how all the knowledge relating to learning and teaching factors can influence my teaching style will be conducted. Exploring various learning and teaching styles; discussing my personal learning and teaching styles and making conclusions regarding the most important factors that influence the learning and teaching styles remain the basic aim of this paper.


This paper intends to assess the significance of concepts associated with learning and teaching. There are various different factors that tend to impact the entire process of learning and teaching. A brief discussion over the important factors will be conducted in this paper. The assessment of my personal learning and teaching style is important for developing the skills of critical thinking, analysis of complex concepts, ability to modify concepts, determining the appropriate methodology for teaching, independent working and planning and also for exercising the autonomy in the judgments. The entire paper will provide me with intense knowledge that would help me become a better and effective teacher in later stages. I also believe that this entire process is important because being effective in classrooms is one of the most important requirements of becoming a good teacher. The exploration of my own learning style can help me understand how my students would like learn and therefore; my teaching strategies would become effective.

Learning Styles

Learning is an ongoing process. People start learning from the cradle and continue it to the grave. However, the professional learning utilizes different styles. The learning styles differ from person to person. Learning style is basically the method or technique through which people tends to learn most effectively. The natural or habitual patterns of learning are referred to as learning styles. Learning styles can either by natural or acquired. The processing of information is the basic essence of learning styles (Whitehead, 2006 ...
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