Education And Social Emancipation

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Is Education a form of social control or a route to social emancipation?

Is Education a form of social control or a route to social emancipation?


Education can be defined as the multidirectional process by which transmit knowledge, values ??, habits and behaviours. Education not only occurs through the word, as it is present in all our actions, feelings and attitudes. Education is the process of rising and bonding cultural, moral and behavioural aptitude. Thus, through education, new generations assimilate and learn skills, rules of conduct, ways of being and ways of seeing the world of, and creating new ones. Education can also be defined as the process of socialization formal individuals in a society. Education is shared between people through our ideas, culture, knowledge, and respecting others. There are three types of education: formal, non formal and informal. Formal education refers to the areas of schools, colleges, universities, modules, while the non-formal means courses, academies, and institutions not governed by a particular curriculum of studies, and informal education is that which is received primarily in the social, it is education that is acquired gradually over a lifetime (Marx & Engels 1964, 100 -150).

This paper will emphasize the nature of education and the need to express the importance of education in the life of people. The educational process is developed as a system to influence all members of the society, of all cognitive, affective and volitional personality, i.e. the formation of their thoughts, feelings, skills, abilities, interests, values, and beliefs etc. Education is a comprehensive process that takes place in the institution, the family, political organizations and mass media, or society as a whole. The institution, school, plays the leading role of the Education provider for new generations and is the centre of its execution. The educational process developed at the school is a professional process, educational in nature based on the systematic and theoretical pedagogical conception widespread and intentionally aimed at preparing social subjects to life and for the job. This process consists of several key components: objectives, content, methods and evaluation. It is a process determined by the solution to the problem or social custom, which establishes a relationship between society and the educational process, as a matter of law; it is social in nature and develops a consciousness to make sensible decision. The educational process, in the most systematic, addresses the social formation of new generations and in it, the student is instructed, the instruction being the key tool to educate, from which the subjects in this process are appropriated knowledge and develop skills, and learn to work while in school and use the methods of science as a fundamental method of teaching, learning and work, are elements that guide the teaching process from Cuba to be two basic ideas Marti's ideology or guiding, instructive about the process. In the educational process is expressed as the union between instructive and educational, from a dialectical relationship between the instructions: that is the result of assimilation by ...
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