Education In Developing Countries: Review Of Educational Theories And Research

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Education in Developing Countries: Review of Educational Theories and Research

Education in Developing Countries: Review of Educational Theories and Research


The field "education" of developing countries presents a critical condition. Placed at the prospect of creating 80 million additional seats for school children, the issue presents itself to be a difficult task, especially since it is still necessary to improve the quality of education. Huge efforts are to be maden in developing countries around the world, to try to counter the problems and meet these challenges in the context of collaboration (Gilbert, 2009).

Thesis Statement

Education is the backbone for the development of any country and thus needs to be taken seriously by developing countries in order to be successful in their development phase.


Every economy that experienced investments in the public or private institutions of higher education has experienced considerable prosperity and growth. Economies are influenced by higher education in three ways. Firstly, the expenses incurred by the educational institution, students, and teachers help the economy to grow. This expenditure multiplies as it passes from hand to hand in the economy until it is used to purchase something from outside the economy.

Second, higher education offers non-financial and financial benefits to the society, and those who pursue it. Education is closely related to the average earnings of individuals. For example, those with a master's degree earn significant more than those with bachelor's degrees. Overall, a master's degree provides a boost to the earnings of individuals. Individuals with a proper higher qualification benefit others in the society. The average wage of those living in a society with many qualified individuals is higher than others living in societies that are not reputed. This is due to the fact that the crime rate in such societies is lower (Centre for higher education research and information, 2010).

Third, higher education institutions are focused on the creation of knowledge and thus focus on research and development that benefits the society and leads to economic growth. Hence it can be said that higher education provides a lot of value to the economy, individuals, and the society as a whole (Hill, Hoffman & Rex, 2005).

National education strategies in developing countries

Most developing countries are now equipped with national training strategies aimed at better implementation of personal and financial resources they have. The education sector should have even more money in the years to come (Daniel, Gorman, 2006). The efforts of multilateral sectoral programs are ...
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