Emily Dickinson

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Emily Dickinson


Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born in Amherst, on 10 December 1830, in a family which, though not very rich, is socially prominent in the New England. She was an American poet and belonged to a triumphant family with well-built society ties; she spent her life very solitary and shy. She studied at Amherst Academy. Before coming back to her home in Amherst, she exhausted little bit time at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. It's an eccentric in the opinion of the society, she was well known for her penchant for white dressing and her lake of enthusiasm to meet visitors or later in her life, her room was being empty. Mostly she made friends by mailing, or letters (Priddy , 156).

Dickinson was one of the most enigmatic figures in the history of world literature, both in human and in a creative attitude. Her creative life is extraordinary: her life, even next-door neighbors had no idea that she wrote poetry. For a long time knew nothing about it, and relatives living with her in the same house - mother, father, brother Austin, sister Lavinia (Phillips, 66). During the life, of Dickinson appeared in print only eight of her poems - and all without a signature. Her first book, published posthumously in 1890, almost did not attract attention.

Dickinson was a creative and inexhaustible secrete poet and wrote a hundred number of prolific poems but her way of living was the basic reason of less no of poems was published in her entire life time. Her published poems in the entire of her life were mostly changed by the publishers to make them accepted in the conservative environment of that particular era. Although, her poetry was too unique and inimitable for that time when she written; particularly poems comprised on short lines with no title and mostly used incline verses in addition to eccentric capitals, and narrations. Most of her poems were about the premises of death & immortality, same these 2 chronic themes in the letter to friends (Grabher , 78).

Thesis Statement

Emily Dickinson was a great American poet, who used inspiring people and events she encountered, to write poetry filled with meaning and imagery.


Dickinson's poems were full of meaning and imagination as Emily, and her prodigious imagination were very popular, a classmate wrote: "Emily was always surrounded by at recess by a group of girls eager to hear their stories strange and extremely funny, always invented in the moment”.

Themes of her poems

Expository purposes we cite four key themes in the poetry of Emily Dickinson:




Time and Eternity


She usually had orthodox rhyme and only 10% of her poems have an irregular rhyme. Her body of work published posthumously, was criticized by purists of the time who attributed all kinds of defects (grammatical, historical etc). Her work is characterized in the isolation of his birth by his atypical for the times: Emily Dickinson speaks with short lines and simple words. Her poems are short, often melancholy, mostly devoid of titles and dry to the bone ...
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