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The word epistemology is structured with two Greek words: episteme, "knowledge" and logos, "theory". The problem is responsible for the subject-object. Understanding that the subject is the knower and the object to be everything on the subject performs cognitive activity (Willig, 2009). The problem of knowledge has been approached from several centuries ago, but is from the nineteenth century which sees a greater interest in the development of epistemology.

Epistemology, is the doctrine of principles and methods of scientific knowledge also known as epistemology, its subject is the production and validation of scientific knowledge. In this way, epistemology examines the criteria by which to justify the knowledge, besides considering the circumstances historical, psychological and sociological carrying collection. Epistemology is important to note that epistemology and epistemology are not exactly synonymous. Epistemology focuses on scientific knowledge. Epistemology, on the other hand, is commonly associated with the philosophy of science, although it is broader (Potter, Wetherell, 2007).

Rationalism vs. Empiricism

Empiricism, rationalism claims that the human mind has in itself all the conditions of his knowledge a priori that is prior to all experience. Empiricism is the direction in the theory of knowledge which all knowledge derives from sense experience (empiricism). It recognize the sensory experience, the only source of knowledge and criterion of truth, rational empiricism cognitive activities are reduced to various combinations of the material that experience, and interprets this activity as adds nothing to the content knowledge (Arendt, 2005).

Empiricism would be an alternative to Rationalism because it is based solely on sense experience. Rationalism, however, claims that reason has somewhat to do with our interpretations. Empiricists believe that reason is an unreliable and inadequate route to knowledge unless it is grounded in the solid bedrock of sense experience. In other words, the empiricists do not entirely disagree with rationalism (Parker, 2008).

Rationalism is a set of philosophical trends, recognizing the basis of knowledge and understanding of human behavior and believe that the reasonableness of the device, the logical order of things - it is an integral, essential characteristic of the whole universe. According to the rationalist doctrines of universality and necessity - rational signs of certain knowledge - cannot be derived from experience and its generalizations, and they can be derived only from the mind itself or from the concepts inherent in mind from birth or from the concepts that exist only in the form of gifts in predispositions of the mind (Luhmann, 2003). For rationalism, mind is the ultimate arbiter. Reason - the criterion of truth. All should be subjected to criticism and evaluation of the mind: religion and law, and reason it and it only has the right to exist that "cannot resist the free and extensive trial. Rationalism appears as a reaction to the scholastic way of thinking, with its ready-truths and indisputable "authorities". Rationalism relies on the man and his mind. Man being reasonable. The world around him, too, is reasonable, therefore, reasonable person, knowing a competitive world, can build a reasonable ...
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