Breast Cancer

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Final Project - Breast Cancer


Worldwide breast cancer is one of the most significant health issues and causes second largest amount of cancer deaths in women, Lung cancer being the top contender. There has been an extensive research being done over the past 3 decades which has helped transform the perception of hopelessness once a patient has been diagnosed with cancer, However there is still a large number of population who remain under provided and suffer higher mortality rates than the rest of the general population. Various researches have been undertaken to decipher the cause of this discrepancy and address the root cause. To draw a valid inference regarding relation of disease incidence, disease progression and causative factors is established by a quantities analysis and various surveys have been conducted.



Problem statement4

Purpose of research5

Aims and Objectives5

Research Questions6

Literature Review7



Population used as subjects10

Research Design10



Statistical Analysis12





There has been a tremendous growth in the field of medicine but breast cancer still remains to be the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women and is the second leading cause of cancer caused deaths in women. In USA it makes up to 29% of all cancers in women. A lot of extensive research has helped achieve a better understanding of disease progression and development of improved treatment regime, which been estimated to decrease mortality. (Jemal et al., 2011) However although there has been a decline in prevalence of various other types of cancers in America, during the last, ten to fifteen America and its surrounding states have witnessed a severe increase in the occurrence of breast cancer. According to (Carey, 2006) presence of breast cancer in women of age 35-50 in USA is very high and according to one study by the end of 2015 an anticipated 210450 women suffering from this disease are expected to be diagnosed and around 50000 patient would not able to survive this disease for longer period.

A number of researches have been carried out to show association between various factors and prevalence and progression. This assignment includes a critical evaluation of several papers related to the topic of breast cancer. Some of these papers were focused and research oriented and were able to provide a relevant conclusion while some were found to be lacking.

Problem statement

Higher risk of mortality is observed in women belonging to ethinic or non-white population.

Despite of increased public awareness, improved screening and better moderated risk reduction, there is a disparity in prognosis and survival rates in women belonging to different ethnicities. (Li,2005)

Unexpected Increase in incidence of breast cancer in USA

An increased rate of breast cancer occurrence has been seen USA in comparison to Europe and Asian countries

Purpose of research

The study conducted observes and analyzes the factors leading to poor health outcome in women belonging to certain socio-economic or ethnic background. Also knowledge about normal physiology and anatomy of breast tissue is provided to help comprehend the effect of environmental factors and pathogeneses. Once we have identified the causative agents. We can develop strategies to aim for better outcome in ...
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