First Exam

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First Exam

First Exam


There are a lot of people who strive for the welfare of all, including scientists, writers, actors, actually from all the arts, the man for the same reason, to rescue all justified. As has been the so-called Headline (= header) says the story in the end is always written by the winners, never by those who were defeated. This means that our history has been viewed over the millennia, very amateurish and one-sided, and often even for political interests or world economic purposes or laminated spiced (or modern languages ??"pimped"). Those losers were, however, often including those stealing from which the winners of the wealth, knowledge and other accomplishments, in order to exploit it for their own purposes, examples are found everywhere, from the Roman Empire, the all Erfindugen than their spending, but now know we know that the Greeks the knowledge and some sports such as wrestling cultivated by the Etruscans were the ones which enlarged as the first one drains with pipes and chariots popular, made ??just founded Etruscan priests in Rome (they set the city limits) and built the first Festival arena. Write historians, kings and their advisors / wrote their rulers and their people always the best thing is to (the largest and strongest army soldiers, the toughest weapons, the smartest campaigns, etc.) to make them look good for posterity, including the reputation of an era at stake, and who writes history, can change the world (in his sense).


Prejudice is understood the restriction of rights on the grounds that "are not acceptable and suitable base in an environment in which they occur", or "distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference, which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing recognition, enjoyment or exercise by all persons on an equal footing, of all rights and freedoms. "Essential elements of prejudice are "violations of the rights, illegal signs that are subject to prejudice, lack of reasonable and objective justification for such treatment". Infringement of rights does not necessarily mean unequal treatment - "there are circumstances when equal treatment or failure to take into account the significant differences in this situation may actually lead to inequality and prejudice". "If the infringement of rights pursues a legitimate aim (such as the protection of health or safety of society as a whole) and in proportion to that objective, there is no prejudice. This is usually the most difficult and controversial aspect in the identification of prejudice.


Assimilation refers to the sociology of the fusion of different social groups together, with a distinction between individual assimilation and the assimilation of groups for the understanding of the processes fundamental to the social level is. Empirically is the fusion of a minority with the majority in the foreground. On cultural assimilation can (acquisition of language, customs and mores), made of structural (placement in the labor market, in the school system, etc.), social (contact with members of other groups) and an emotional level. It is disputed whether the concept of assimilation is a selective "imposition" ...
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