Forensic Nursing In The Community

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Forensic Nursing in the Community

Forensic Nursing in the Community

History of Public Health Nurse

This is a study on the history of health educators and public health nurses in the first half of the twentieth century, the authorities aims to show the challenge, to women, to demarcate a territory of decisions and actions that were not simple "delegated power" by the medical profession. The historical sociology (as regards relations between institutions, power and professional identities) provided a theoretical tool and methodology for this study (CDC, 2010). Among the findings, highlight the importance of the emergence of a new professional field related to health education and public health nursing. The text briefly highlights the involvement of the field of public health, since it supported the enhancement of women's role and nurse educator with human and financial resources.

Due to the lack of graduate nurses in, until about the second half of the 1940s, health officials gave preference to the training of educators or "Visiting". Unlike what happened in the other regions, the small number of public health professionals virtually precluded the performance of these professionals nationwide. The debate over the formation of the field of nursing as a profession, "female", refers directly to traditional assumptions about gender, since the nineteenth century. According to Lillian Wald, the differences in anatomy between men and women were, for centuries, interpreted as closely related to differences in emotional and intellectual capacities, as well as in relation to physical abilities. In this sense, the tasks and roles assigned to men and women in society were based on these skills (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012, p. 958).

A woman nurse was projected into the world of emerging professions of the twentieth century. Both the nursing profession as the almost exclusive predominance conquered there is constituted from the first decades of the last ...