French Facism

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French Facism

French Fascism


Fascism is a political ideology, which emerged in the early 20th century and developed by Benito Mussolini, dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943. This political doctrine rejects liberalism, the Marxism, individualism and democracy parliament area. The fascism advocates the institutionalization of dictatorship, the cult of the leader "providential" and charismatic, corporatism, the single party and the nationalist ethnic (Witt 2001, pp. 78). The fascist Italian has had extensions variables in Germany with Hitler, in Spain with Franco (1939-1975) or Portugal with Salazar (1928-1968) (ibid). By extension, the term used to refer to formations of the extreme right or pejoratively to describe an elitist and authoritarian.


The theme of the decline is essential to fascism. Fascism is a product of the decay of capitalist society, but it is as a movement against this decay. That is to say that fascism said "liberalism destroys society and why it supported by the masses” Marxist (Soucy 1991, pp. 231). We must, therefore, put forward "healthy” values, which of society as a national community, where all classes live in harmony.

Fascism arises, therefore, as a movement affirming the urgency of the question. Fascism is interested only rarely to the nature of this project as such, it defined primarily "against". This is the great difficulty that met the anti-fascists in Europe in the 1930s. Fascism does not put forward a program that could be criticized, but the "slogans", "requirements", "principles" (Laqueur 1978, pp. 312).

This is the principle of community copy which in the 1930s was the model of fascist organization, with the phalanx in the Spanish state, the SA and the SS in Germany. The Italian fighter beams and "black shirts" Italy (Soucy 1986, pp. 45), the cross-fire of France, the Legion of Archangel Michael in Romania, etc.

The French collaborator Robert Brasillach explained his recollection of the spirit prevailing at the newspapers printing right-wing "I am everywhere": "The sense of forming a band, for better or for worse, and that we appoint, to shock the bourgeois sense of the gang” (Payne 1996, pp. 402). The "exemplary community" of fascism is a kind of utopia realized immediately, without that there is nothing to do except join the "movement". As a movement opposed to the dialectic of history, fascism uses this principle systematically copy of the community, he opposes the principle of the vanguard.

The avant-garde, this is communism, is the struggle between the old and new, an uphill battle where you have to practice criticism and self-criticism, a political struggle based on the principle that "the masses make history". The fascists are interested so that "by far" in politics, they are as a movement "elementary" (Passmore 2002, pp. 232), drawing their source in the "elements" natural society (family, nation, order, traditions, religion...).

Fascism arises against the policy, therefore, against democracy as such. That is why fascists always reject "critics" anti-fascists, arguing that they are advanced by people with no principles, no way linked to local and national realities, "lawless" (Laqueur 1978, ...