Gospel Of Mark

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Gospel of Mark


From the Prologue (1.1 to 13) Jesus is presented as the Messiah, the Son of God. But most players will ignore the drama to the end of that identity. This will create the suspense. The Son of man is anointed eschatological divine of the Holy Spirit that will lead him now, and the Father declares him the Son. Pushed into the wilderness by the Spirit, Jesus prepares to face his main enemy: Satan. But the angels serve, and the animals are witnesses. Narration in (1.14 - 6.13) we hear Jesus inaugurated his reign, which is God. He demands repentance crowds to greet him.


The Gospel according to Mark or the Gospel of Mark (abbreviated Mc) is the second book of the New Testament of the Bible Christian. It is the shortest of the four gospels canonical and also the oldest in the opinion of the majority of biblical scholars. Among scholars there is wide consensus in dating the Gospel of Mark in the late 60's the first century AD, or shortly after the year 70 AD Its author is unknown, although a late Christian tradition attributes it to Mark, character cited in other New Testament passages. It narrates the life of Jesus of Nazareth from his baptism by John the Baptist to his resurrection.

This Gospel was written by a disciple or, more accurately, an "interpreter" of the Apostle Peter, whose full name was John Mark. It is the oldest; the first was put in writing, about the year 70 AD, and is also the shortest. It is intended for Christians from paganism, they did not know Jewish customs, Mark explains and also translates the Aramaic expressions used repeatedly. His style is lively and popular, and full of spontaneity, though his language is poor and rudimentary. The Gospel of Mark contains ...
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