Hawaiian History That Compares And Contrasts Two Specific Topics In Hawaiian History In The Period Up To The Establishment Of The Territory Of Hawaii In 1900

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Hawaiian History That Compares And Contrasts Two Specific Topics in Hawaiian History in the Period Up To the Establishment of the Territory Of Hawaii In 1900

Hawaiian History That Compares And Contrasts Two Specific Topics in Hawaiian History in the Period Up To the Establishment of the Territory Of Hawaii In 1900


Before becoming one of the states of US, Hawaii was an independent monarch consisted of Islands. It is one of the most popular choices for the tourists due to its beautiful beaches and location. Hawaii is the most recent of the states that become part of US, it was known as the kingdom of Hawaii since 1810 to 1893. Most primitive historical evidences reveal that there were Polynesian immigrations and this resulted in the first settlements in this Island. It increased population of Hawaii. These settlements and more immigrants resulted in developing the tribal system and Chiefdoms. There were various fights and finally it led to the establishment of monarchy in this Country. Later immigration in Hawaii from China, Japan and Korea led to more improved system. There were plantations and interracial marriages. These immigrations and monarchy continued for many years, until it became one of the Stated of America.

Brief History of Hawaiian Immigrants

Establishment of Hawaii was resulted with the migrations in the Hawaiian Island from different other parts of countries such as from the Marquesas, Raiatea and Bora Bora. In the eighteenth century British explorer Captain James Cook visited the Island and then there were more and more visitors to this Island. These migrants begin to establish the proper system of the cultural and traditional community and develop the tribal system with chiefs. Increase in population and settlement of immigrants led to the need for the establishment of proper tribal system that can assist in improving and developing proper legislative or the government system. These people followed caste system and therefore, it created a problem to maintain and manage the Hawaiian Island under one rule. After the arrival of James Cook, British explorers took their chance to visit one of the most beautiful places on earth. After Polynesian immigrants there was more immigration from different parts of the world. This includes immigrants from china and Japan.

Brief History of Hawaiian Monarchs

In the beginning, there were tribes and chiefs and there were always fights for the rule and then finally after battles and fights for years the problem of rule finally resolved in 1810 under the rule of the great king Kamehameha I. This was the beginning of monarchy in Hawaii and later establishment of kingship. After Kamehameha I, Kamehameha II and then III became the King of the Island and brought many changes in the monarch structure, rule and religion. Finally death of Kamehameha V as bachelor resulted in no heir to the throne and this was finally decided by the election. Lunalilo became the King and then after his death the throne was succeeded by his sister Liliuokalani. In 1893, her throne and rule was ...