Heat And Temperature

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Heat and Temperature

Heat and Temperature


One of the important laws of the behavior of gases states that a gas expands when the temperature rises and contracts to reduce it. According to the caloric theory, the explanation for this was simple: when heated gas, heat enters it, as the heat takes up space, the gas expands, it cools the gas, leaving the calories and it shrinks. What Maxwell had to say to this? By force had to think of the experiment of Rumford. Heat is a form of movement. By heating a gas, its molecules move faster and push out the neighbors. The gas expands. By decreasing the temperature, the opposite occurs and the gas is contracted. Maxwell equation specifying found a speed range that should have gas molecules at a given temperature. Some other slow moving and fast, but most have an intermediate speed. Of all these speeds was one which was maximally likely at a given temperature (Brush, 1976, pp. 25).

This kinetic theory of heat was applicable to liquids and solids as well as gases. In a solid, for example, the molecules were flying around like bullets, which are what happened in a gas, but instead could vibrate around a fixed point. The speed of this vibration is like projectiles molecules gases obey the Maxwell equations. All properties of heat could equally well be explored by the kinetic theory of heat by. But it was easily noticed some properties (as described by Rumford) the caloric theory had failed to explain well.

Question 1: What is Heat?

Heat is the process of transferring energy between different bodies or different areas of a single body which are at different temperatures. This flow always occurs from the higher temperature body to the lower body temperature, transfer happening until both bodies are in thermal equilibrium (i.e. a cold drink left in a room warms). The energy may be transferred by different mechanisms, among which it is worth noting the radiation, the conduction and convection, although in most real processes all are present in greater or lesser degree. The energy that a body can exchange with the environment depends on the type of processing to be performed on the body and therefore depends on the way (Mishonov, 2011, pp. 59). The bodies have no heat, but internal energy. Energy exists in various forms. In this case we focused on heat, which is the process by which energy can be transferred from one system to another as a result of the temperature difference.

Question 2: What is temperature?

Temperature is a quantity referred to the common notions of hot, warm, cold that can be measured, specifically, with a thermometer. In physics, is defined as a scalar quantity related to the internal energy of a thermodynamic system defined by the law of thermodynamics. More specifically, it is related directly to the internal energy known as "kinetic energy" is the energy associated with the motion of particles in the system, either in a sense translational, rotational, or ...
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