Heaven Is Real, And So Is Hell

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Heaven is Real, and so is Hell


The idea of an actual space, for example the mountain Olympus in ancient Greece or a region beyond the sky dish, as in many stories of the Old Testament, and the allegorical representation of a non-localized state go into each other over. The conflict between the two is the mythical thinking strange and that's because many cultures the visible with the naked eye planets (of them were the names of the in most languages, especially weekdays derived) and stars directly with their gods identified, that is, they could watch their gods in the sky (Gartley and Marion, p. 72). The discussion in this paper will present different notions about heaven and hell to be real in accordance with religious and other prevailing concepts.



There are many books written about people who claim to have personally visited the heaven. Some authors claim to be, while others do not. The descriptions of their experiences vary on things like entering into a brilliant white light at the end of a dark tunnel, being greeted by deceased loved ones, in the presence of God and seeing falling feathers of angels on the floor of his throne room. Many of their stories contain information that they could not know. At the time of the experience although these people give a lot of information, makes its contents arise many questions. Clear corpse can not be all of what they say is true, because the contents of one book speak to others are against. How do we know who gives us an accurate and truthful story? A Bible-oriented Christian might say that he would compare what the story Scripture about heaven. If it rings true in the light of God's Word, then it must be true (Huxley, p. 22). Well, yes and no. Yes, it should be the test of Scripture may be encountered. What was told to certainly not in conflict with what the Bible teaches about heaven, notwithstanding, however, merely because it is identical with the Scripture does not prove that the experience or statement of the person, of to have been in heaven actually took place.

The story of Colton Burpo American boy who said he had been in heaven when he was in a coma after an operation for appendicitis became a book and a source of controversy in TV programs.

Colton is now 11 years old, but it was the 4 he went through this experience. His parents say that their memories came slowly, and among them, Colton cited his meeting with the great-grandfather on his father he had never known. Described him as an enlightened being, curly hair and huge wings. Said he asked for his father and told several stories of family.

Another detail was considered impressive when Colton recounted the moment when a girl approached him claiming to be his sister. She confided to the boy who came not to be born, and had not had a name on earth, but he was very happy to meet you ...
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