Herts Young Homeless

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Managing Media and Communications

Managing Media and Communications


An autonomous charity group, namely Herts Young Homeless (HYH), is responsible for facilitating vulnerable individuals for about 15 years. It supports young individuals to maintain and secure adequate and relevant accommodation via crisis management, prevention and tenancy maintenance. The group's head office is located at Hatfield. It works in facilitating and aiding those young individuals who are without homes or potentially facing homelessness, across Hertfordshire. The group has offices all over Hertfordshire, and employs 50 individuals along with a considerable number of volunteers (Official, hyh.org.uk).


Macro-environment Context

Pestel can be analyzed in the context of macroeconomic conditions. The number of effects can be seen. 90% revenue comes from members and living donors in the district of Hertfordshire. The locality, which was the culmination of economic growth, is experiencing financial difficulties. Financial reports decrease in gross domestic product (GDP) for a continuous period of three quarters of rising unemployment, stagnant wages and smaller retailers. This is not always used, and a personal debt and business led the company to bankruptcy and homelessness. These are the classic symptoms of depression, and this has an impact on individual and business donations and membership updates. Now because of recession, In general, people give more when they earn more, and low wages will inevitably reduce donations. In addition, there are indications that the crisis will create a demand for some charities, such as the charities whose services are more inclined towards a more social cause, which can be a largely after-effect of recession, such as homelessness. It is expected that since HYH is such charity, its demand would increase (Hitt et.al, 2011, pp.134-146).

The economic pressure also affects the economy, urges the government to change the rules for tax purposes is to increase government revenue. Previously, charities had receipts of ...
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