History Of God

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History of God

History of God

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History of God


Anselm of Canterbury, was born in 1033 in the city of Acosta in Italy, he claimed the existence of God. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) was the German philosopher he was the representative of irrationalism. He criticized the religion, culture and morality of their time and developed his own ethical theory. Nietzsche was more literary than academic philosophy, and his writings are aphoristic in nature. Nietzsche had a great influence on the formation of existentialism and postmodernism, and also became very popular in the literary and artistic circles. Interpretation of his work is rather difficult and still causes controversy. Friedrich Nietzsche is considered the most controversial philosopher in the history of philosophy. His philosophy of life, in recent years, interest in the heritage of Friedrich Nietzsche had increased particularly in Europe and in Russia. He called Christianity the religion of slaves, of people who are not concerned with actions in this world and instead too obsessed with resources in the afterlife. He saw Christianity as the God of the Jews replacing the God of the Romans, which was heroic actions and honorable living. (Schufreider,16)


Anselm focused on the existence of God, he claimed that ideas are created not by God as they are the thoughts of God and therefore always exist in his mind. The existence of all creation receives the action of the Word: God, he said, and preexisting idea creation acquires real existence. Creative Word is different from human words, but if compare him with them, then most likely be likened to the Word of inner word i.e. the representation of a thing, common to all people, regardless of what language they speak. Anselm formulated four proofs of the existence of God. In three of them the existence of the Creator, he argued, from a consideration of works. The basis of this evidence is based on two assumptions: (1) all things are different degrees of possession of perfection, (2) things are endowed with the perfection of a different degree, get their relative perfection from perfection itself, in the highest degree of perfection. For example, everything is good. We want things because they are good. But things are not equally good, and none of them have equal benefits. In Anselm's ontological proof of the task to show that the concept of being actually, albeit implicitly, in the notion of God. The ontological proof of God is thinking attempt to exhibit the existence of God that man is able to, ever think of God. Anselm argued that even those who doubt the existence of God have some understanding of what the dispute they have. By definition, God is the essence, which is dominated by nothing greater can be, beyond which nothing greater can be conceived Since all existence larger outside the mind as within it, it would be contradictory to doubt the existence of God, as the skeptics would assume that there is something greater considered a creature imaginable topped by ...
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