Homeland Security & Terrorism

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Homeland Security & Terrorism

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Graded Discussion 5.1: Homeland Security1

Graded Discussion 5.2: Roles1

Assignment 5.1: Discussion and Background1

Functions of Homeland Security1

Complications Involved1


Selection of Topic and Research Strategy4

Introductory Paragraph of Research Paper4





Assignment 5.2: Discussion and Background1

Terrorism Organization1

The Attacks1

Country of Origin1

Religious Connotations2

International Connections2

CIA's Role in Combating Terrorism2

NSA's role3

Defence Intelligence Agency's role in fighting against terrorism4

Selection of Topic and Research Strategy4

Introductory Paragraph of the Research Paper5




Homeland Security & Terrorism


Graded Discussion 5.1: Homeland Security

The function of the Homeland Security is to help the United States to recover from the past attacks. The Department of Homeland Security provides assistance in terms of provision of border security both maritime and land, detection of radioactive materials and transportation security. It also aims to provide immediate help in terms of emergency and immediately responding by providing fire personnel, police engagement or voluntarily medical services. Various complications and complexities were highlighted in the year of 2005, by hurricanes of Rita and Katrina. Many students are now opting for diploma in the field of Homeland Security as it is an increasingly acknowledged field. Homeland Security, in general is all about ensuring peace throughout the United States.

Graded Discussion 5.2: Roles

National Security Agency is an intelligence agency of the United States which is responsible for collecting and analyzing foreign communications and protecting information systems. By disseminating, analyzing and collecting intelligence on foreign terrorist individuals and groups, the overall U.S. government effort to combat international terrorism is supported by the CIA. The role of the DIA agency is to provide assistance and intelligence advises to the war fighters and the defense planners.


The concept of Homeland Security in America revolves around the roles and the responsibilities of the government agencies in the protection of the nation. An estimate shows that there are 187 Homeland Security and Defense Agencies in the United States and has proved to be a growing function of the government. George W. Bush consolidated many security activities under the head of Department of Homeland Security. This department was a totally new cabinet aspect which was established according to the Homeland Security Act passed in 2002. Here, this must be noticed that FBI and CIA are not parts of the department.

Assignment 5.1: Discussion and Background1

Functions of Homeland Security1

Complications Involved1


Selection of Topic and Research Strategy4

Introductory Paragraph of Research Paper4




Assignment 5.1: Discussion and Background

Functions of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security aims to provide immediate help in terms of emergency and responding immediately by providing voluntarily medical services, police engagement or fire personnel. It also has an Intelligence Department (Department of Homeland Security). On the other hand, the Department of Homeland Security provides assistance in terms of provision of border security both land and maritime, transportation security and detection of radioactive materials.

On the other hand, when the related U.S. Embassy is asked for issuing visas for the foreign nationals to enter into America or get immigration, DHS is responsible for investigating the person seeking entry into America. The immigrants are generally required to interact and attend legal proceedings with the Department when ...
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