Homosexual In Military

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Homosexual in Military

Homosexual in Military


With the passage of time, advancements and developments are taking place in all walks of life and in all the dimensions and directions, thus allowing individuals to practice more freedom and lead their lives on their own terms. This implies that there are more chances for the individuals to do as they please, with lesser restrictions and an even open approach to life and life style. The same explanations also goes for the sexual orientation of individuals, and most of the services and organizations are now providing more open and liberal approach to their workers and employees. This implies that the organizations and services, that previously bound their employees and the workers to stick to the office and work decorum and keep their sexual orientations hidden, are now providing a more open approach and are allowing their employees to practice more freedom, within the given limitations in order to ensure that a level of decency and civility is maintained. This implies that although the individuals are required to maintain certain level of decency and respect, they are provide with more liberties as compared to the previous years and thus there are more chances for the homosexuals these days. It is evident to mention here that the homosexual were considered outcast and a minority group a few years back, and thus were not granted as much rights and privileges as they are provided with today.


The extent of liberties and freedoms granted to the homosexuals these days is evident from the fact that even the strict and demanding professions like military is also accepting the presence of homosexuals and is providing them with an opportunity to practice their will and freedom, with certain limitations. It is evident to mention here that as far as the military is concerned, the military officials, specially the senior individuals are accused of promoting the concept and also playing their part in appreciating and valuing the homosexuals.

It should be taken into account that there is a clear difference between allowing certain practices and taking measures to promote and support them. This implies that on one hand, the act of providing equal opportunities and facilitates to the homosexuals is good and encouraging, adding to the freedom of expression and making sure that the individuals get their due rights, however, at the same time, promoting the action for certain vested interests and selfish purposes is not only unfair but is also a threat to the rights and responsibilities of other people. The same difference and distinction comes down to the discussion that while it is a positive move to allow freedom to the homosexuals, one the other hand it is unfair and unethical to grant them with undue attention and additional notice.

In the past few years, a large number of cases have been reported in which the servicemen either tried to make sexual attempts on their fellows or tried to convince them to follow the trait. This implies that with the increase in the homosexual ...
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