Inerrancy And Infallibility Of The Bible

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Inerrancy and Infallibility of the Bible

Inerrancy and Infallibility of the Bible


The word inerrant means that something, usually a text, is “without error.” The word infalliblein its lexical meaning, though not necessarily in theological discussions due to Rogers and McKimis technically a stronger word, meaning that the text is not only “without error” but “incapable of error.” (Bruce, 1992)

In addition, in common language 'inerrancy', simply means no error, or no error has currently occurred or currently without flaw. It is usually used to describe something instantaneously instead of holistically (Feinberg, 1984).

Thesis statement

The paper highlights the fact that how Inerrancy and Infallibility of the Bible can be distinguished.

Discussion And Analysis

In addition, in common language 'inerrancy', simply means no error, or no error has currently occurred or currently without flaw. It is usually used to describe something instantaneously instead of holistically (Nigel, 1996). John Frame states in his more strict & literal dictionary definition that “infallibility” is a stronger term than “inerrancy.” ”'Inerrant' means there are no errors; 'infallible' means there can be no errors.” But I'll try to go with the most basic and common definitions of both. Instead of taking an exhaustive or extensive definition of each (Bruce, 1992).

However, infallibility deals more with ones personal experiential knowledge of the Lord while inerrancy is more concerned with the details of Scripture. It can also refer to the both the absence of error and the inability to err. In the case of applicability; inerrancy contends that the Bible does not have any errors or any statements that contradict. Moreover, the definition like the theoretically possible for the individual for living their whole life without err, regardless of the fact that they had the potential in doing that (Feinberg, 1984). The person who has never has commited with an immporal act ...
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