Integrating Technology Into Higher Education Coursework: An Analysis Of The Success Of The Hybrid Course Delivery Model

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Integrating Technology into Higher Education Coursework: An Analysis of the Success of the Hybrid Course Delivery Model


Table of Contents



Method of Inquiry1

Research Method and Design Appropriateness2

Setting and Sample Use3

Sampling Method3

Sample Size & Eligibility Criteria4

Instrumentation and Materials5



External Validity7

Internal Validity8



Ethical Issues13



This chapter explains the methodology that is applied in order to obtain material, information and data. It also describes how the researcher has analyzed the collected information. Furthermore, the chapter discusses the approach on the basis of which the findings are going to be analyzed. This research tends to be founded on Quantitative research approach. Moreover, it also tends to include any other source of information which helps to decode and inject the understanding of the subject in a more efficient manner. Keeping in view the approach taken in earlier studies the research began with a broad analysis of the existing literature. Moreover, it is essential to note the fact that the conclusions and the results tend to draw its roots from the analysis based on the understanding developed through scientific manner.

Method of Inquiry

The course of the research tends to be based on quantitative method rather than qualitative method. Reliance on the quantitative method tends to be solely due to the reason that it tends to provide much more comprehensive and logical answers, if pitched against the qualitative method. Essentially, the course of the research is such that the researcher needs to explore different areas in order to formulate the appropriate answers for the framed questions. The researcher needs to touch upon different strategies and decipher various reasons which have been responsible in shaping the picture which tends to exist today (Campbell & Stanley, 2003). If the qualitative method would have been applied than the results obtained won't be touching problems deep down the surface. It would only be answering the on surface assumptions and problems. Moreover, the fact also needs to be kept in mind that Quantitative research uses scientific methods to investigate phenomena and address issues and problems. These methods utilize an objective manner that enhances the reliability of the information and reduces biases. This approach attempts to understand all aspects of people's behaviors, attitudes, and experiences. To address the research questions, the quantitative approach depends on four main data collections strategies: participation, observation, interviews, and analysis.

Research Method and Design Appropriateness

In order to address the research problem and answer the research questions as indicated in the previous chapter. A quantitative method approach will be the most appropriate for this study. The aim is to explore Success of the Hybrid Course Delivery Model and its perception among the school officials which also tends to inculcate the faculty (Kruse, 2000). Data gathered will aid in developing a questionnaire to explain the rationale of taking the technology into the fold as far as Higher Education is concerned. The variables that would be inducted into the context of the research tend to be the course of the delivery model and how this modern tool is better than the conventional ...