Kleptomania - Causes, Types, Symptoms And Treatments

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Kleptomania - Causes, Types, Symptoms and Treatments


This research paper aims to discuss the mental disorder known as “Kleptomania” in detail. Moreover, it discusses its types, symptoms, causes and treatments as well.

Table of Contents




Causes of Kleptomania4

Types of Kleptomania5

Symptoms of Kleptomania6

Treatments for Kleptomania7



Kleptomania - Causes, Types, Symptoms and Treatments


Kleptomania is an impulsive control mental health disorder in which an individual experiences an irresistible urge to steal. Though some people may find this conception laughable or amusing, but it is actually a severe psychiatric condition, and can lead to big troubles if not properly cured. The name for this disorder comes from the Ancient Greek word “kleptein”, which means “to steal something”. People with kleptomania often feel an extreme urge to lift stuff which is generally of no use to them and not precious as well. Once stealing an item, the person suffering from kleptomania (also known as Kleptomaniac) generally feels more relaxed, however he/she may experience extreme guilt feelings, which can cause severe anxiety, activating another episode (Grant & Potenza, 2005).


A number of conditions ought to be fulfilled prior then kleptomania is diagnosed in an individual. The foremost concerns the kinds of stuff stolen; an individual who is kleptomaniac does not steal due to personal wish or economic requirement, he/she simply lifts things, often hoarding them or at times even returning them back afterwards. In few cases, a kleptomaniac may gather a particular type of thing, for instance office supplies. However, these stealing should not be aggravated by anger, a craving for revenge, or delusions.

Causes of Kleptomania

Any specific cause of kleptomania is not known. However, there are many theories that propose that some sort of modifications in the brain can cause kleptomania. Kleptomania can be connected to issues with a naturally taking place brain chemical (neurotransmitter) known as serotonin. This brain chemical helps in regulating emotions and mood. Hence, people who are prone to impetuous behaviors, certainly have low levels of serotonin.

In addition to this, Kleptomania may also be associated with addictive diseases, and lifting things may cause the discharge of another neurotransmitter known as dopamine. Dopamine causes gratifying feelings, and few individuals seek this satisfying feeling over and over again.

Research has also found that this disorder can crop up later than a person sustains an injury on the head. However, further research is required to better comprehend all of the likely causes of kleptomania.

Types of Kleptomania

Kleptomania generally tends to develop in females more than in males. Though, there might be some gender partiality in this discovery since females who steal have a propensity to acquire psychiatric evaluations, whereas males who steal are likely to go to jail. Likewise, there does not emerge to be any specific social group in which this severe disorder is extensive.

There are specific kinds of kleptomania. It starts on in the teenage or by twenties. And by the time kleptomaniacs disclose themselves to psychiatrists; females are generally in their mid or late thirties whereas males are in their fifties. There also have been reports where kleptomaniacs present themselves ...